A World Apart The Jake Thomas Trilogy - By Steven A. Tolle Page 0,108

half-men from any restraints. They could kill whoever crossed their path, they told them laughingly.

Before long, the screaming began.

Sergeant Jeffreys, his doubts still gnawing at him, had his men almost across the courtyards when he hear what sounded like a faint scream coming from behind him.

"Halt!" He cried out, his men responding to his command instantly. He turned back towards the west, listening. Almost immediately, he heard more screaming. He suddenly felt tightness in his chest, knowing that he had been betrayed by Stradford, though he had no idea why. He also saw flashes of yellow light reflecting off the lower clouds, pulsing against the darkness in the direction of the Temple. That could only mean one thing - clerics were battling demons or their followers.

"To arms!" He called out, his men quickly securing their shields and drawing their swords.

"At a run, forward!" Jeffreys cried as he drew his own sword and raced his men towards the Temple, praying they were not too late.


Dominic and Jonas were sitting at the table in Jonas' residence, sharing a small pitcher of wine, discussing Dominic's findings after eating a light meal. Dominic had ridden up shortly before dark, after spending most of the day scouting.

"There were some tracks, but with the rain, it was difficult to tell how long ago they were made." Dominic said, taking a sip from his cup. "I will head back out tomorrow to see if I can pick up any new trails."

A distant scream carried into the room. Dominic was immediately on his feet and heading for the door. Jonas grabbed his staff and followed on his heels. They paused in the garden, listening, sharing a quick look when another scream sounded from the other side of the Temple. Dominic's sword was in his hand in a heartbeat and they took off at a run for the gate. As Jonas ran next to Dominic, he saw the flash of a cleric's yellow fire reflecting off the street, followed by the sound of clashing magics. He brought up his own might, his body and staff shining brightly with power. They reached the street, Dominic slightly ahead, and turned towards the palace, to be greeted with a nightmare.

Jonas could see a large group of half-men were battling a smaller group of clerics and apprentices, some already down, their blood darkening the ground. Mixed in with half-men were several demons, their black fire wreaking havoc, striking anyone who got close.

Near the Temple doors, Jonas saw Kansic standing in front of a group of children and their mothers, apparently caught up in this as they were leaving from an evening class. The children were terrified, their pitiful wails wrenching at Jonas' heart. Kansic was glowing with power, keeping the half-men nearest him at bay.

As Jonas ran behind Dominic, he saw one of the demons engage Kansic, its black fire striking him. Kansic cried out as the demon's power collided with his own, knocking him back, burning his skin. He launched a desperate counter-strike, yellow fire lashing out at the demon. The demon laughed as it blocked the attack and struck back. The half-men started to move forward as Kansic fell back, body burning and face contorted in agony, but he was able to regain his feet. Jonas knew instinctively that Kansic would not survive much longer.

"Dom!" Jonas cried, pointing towards Kansic. Dominic saw the danger and sprinted ahead.

He rushed headlong after Dominic towards Kansic, his fear for him and anger at the death around him stoking the power he was holding. He shone like a fallen star, yellow fire pulsing, pushing away the darkness.

Dominic reached the half-men first, barreling full speed into them, his sword flashing. It was as if an explosion occurred as bodies flew as he cut his way into their ranks, half-men falling around him. He was a whirlwind of death, made of hardened steel, unstoppable.

Jonas lost sight of the demon as he drew closer, but sent his own might lashing out into the mass of half-men where he last saw it. His power reduced the closest to ash, while knocking others away, bodies smoking. He struck again, laying about him, desperate to save Kansic and his charges. But it was already too late as another bolt of dark fire struck Kansic, overwhelming his defenses, and he fell, the pain on his face fading as death took him, body smoldering.

Jonas had no time to mourn as the demon turned its power towards Dominic. Jonas saw the demon's attack and

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