The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,43

something similar to lift doxen rocks out of the pits," the man finally stammered out. "The canvas the Trateri use for their tents might have a similar elasticity."

"You can build this?" Eva questioned, wanting to be sure.

The man's eyes finally left Caden to focus on Eva. He ducked his chin once.

"What's your name?" Eva asked.

"Kent, miss."

Eva smiled at him. "Then please do so."

Kent ducked his head in a nod and hurried away.

Eva started to follow when Caden's hand on her upper arm stopped her. His touch felt like a heated brand, warm and possessive.

"Never step in front of me like that again." His voice was low and lethal as he spoke into her ear. "You will not like the consequences if you do."

His words felt like a bucket of cold water poured over her head, reminding her in no uncertain terms exactly where she stood with him. She was little better than a throwaway. Stray too far from her assigned role and she'd be shoved back into it.

Eva's breath stuttered out of her, unable to ignore the small curl of fear at the inherent threat. Caden hovered for several more seconds, perhaps waiting for a response. Eva had none. Her words felt locked in her chest, her throat tight with repressed emotion.

Caden muttered a small curse before stalking away.

It took more willpower than she wanted to admit to continue forward, to force her lips to stop trembling. Collapsing would be easy, but she prided herself on never taking the easy route.

She only wished she had a way with words and was the sort of person who had a snappy comeback, but she wasn't. She was the sort who let someone say what they would while she ignored them and pretended everything was happy and safe in her world.

Her distress must have still been written on her face because Ollie's eyebrows snapped down, his gaze landing on Caden's retreating back, correctly guessing the cause.

"Everything alright?" Ollie asked.

"Yeah, everything is fine." It was too. She'd forgotten for a moment. She wouldn't make that mistake again.

"You sure?"

She nodded. Her smile when it came, was a little more real this time. She needed Ollie to believe her. To do that, she needed to believe it herself. The last thing she wanted was for him to challenge the commander. There would be no competition; Caden would squash him like a bug.

"Just nervous. I've never attempted something of this magnitude," Eva said.

Ollie let it go, nodding slowly. "While we're getting this sorted, why don't you go see what you can do about convincing the Kyren this is a good idea."

Eva nodded, grateful to excuse herself.


Hours later, Eva and Ajari stood next to Sebastian at the base of the ramp. The glare Sebastian sent her way didn't need words to decipher. It clearly said he thought she was crazy to think he would allow this indignity.

"Everyone worked hard to make this work since you're being unreasonable and won't let us postpone a few days," she told him. "You're not going to let them down, are you?"

His ears flattened against his head as he showed her his teeth.

She interpreted that to mean, ‘watch me’. Or maybe it was a threat. Who could say?

She knew it. He was going to be difficult.

Now that his presence was known, he drew eyes wherever he went. Which meant they were being watched by pretty much everyone present.

Stakes were high. Eva, whether she liked it or not, was being judged by how well she handled the Kyren. Fail here and it would set the tone for the entire journey.

"Or you could stay on the ground and let everyone watching know you're afraid of that little box," Eva pointed out.

The Kyren narrowed his eyes at her as she affected a nonchalant shrug.

"It's your choice," Eva told him before walking up the ramp and into the wagon.

It appeared sturdily constructed and she'd been assured it would support the Kyren's weight. It had better, or this whole plan was dead before it began.

Ajari tilted his head at the Kyren when it snarled a protest. "You're the one who picked her. If you have a problem with the way she talks to you, take it up with her yourself."

Eva smothered her small chuckle at the exchange. It was good to know some things remained the same even if the species changed.

Ajari moved past the Kyren, shrugging. "I don't know what you should do, but I suggest you figure it out before the mice get anxious."

Ajari joined her Copyright 2016 - 2024