The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,42

was too skilled at controlling his expressions to let any of the irritation she was sure he felt show.

"I'm so happy we could accommodate," he said, watching her carefully.

Somehow Eva doubted that. The charm and ease with which he spoke would have lulled anybody else into complacency. Not her. She could see the calculation in his gaze, feel it in the way he studied her. This man was a slippery one. He'd lure you in and then stab you in the front. Of that, she had no doubt. He wasn't in the habit of being straightforward.

Eva would have to be doubly careful not to get on his bad side. She had a feeling you would be there and not even know it until it was too late.

"I can see that," Eva finally said with a stiff smile.

"It meets with your approval, then?" he asked expectantly.

Eva's smile was a little more natural this time. The general wanted to get on the move. She could understand that. "With some adjustments, I imagine so."

He raised an eyebrow, inviting her to expand.

"It'll be a constant struggle for him to keep his balance. That could stress his leg as much as walking," Eva began. "The roads are likely to be rough and once we leave them it will get even bumpier."

No one could argue with that. The Highlanders were many things, but they cared little for formal roads. Most were worn paths of dirt from where people had traveled back and forth often.

"We could create some type of sling," Hardwick proposed. "Keep him off his leg in the interim."

Eva nodded. "That should work."

Darius, to his credit, didn't allow any of his impatience to show as he nodded. "Do what you can. I want to know the second you're finished."

He took one last look at the wagon and shook his head. "Ferrying horses over land. Never thought I'd see the day."

"It's not a bad idea," Hardwick said when Darius had gone. "Before long, I'm sure he'll be seeing the benefits. Something like this could mean transporting our mounts over long distances and arriving fresh to battle."

"You'd need twice as many horses for every single horse transported. Seems like a waste of energy to me," Eva pointed out.

Hardwick shrugged. "If anybody could work out the logistics, it'd be him."

"You have any idea how we're going to do this?" Eva asked.

Hardwick peered at her. "You're the expert in winged horses. I thought you'd tell me."

Eva thought she spotted a hint of smile as he walked toward the wagon.

"Seat of the pants it is," she called to his back.

Caden stepped into her path when she started to follow Hardwick.

"What are you doing here?" Eva asked

"I'm keeping an eye on things," he informed her.

"Well, do it from over there. Unless you know how to create a sling so the Kyren doesn't hurt himself further," Eva challenged.

He gave her a small smile that almost, but not quite, reached his eyes before he stepped aside. "I wouldn't dream of doing your work for you."

Eva pressed her lips together to keep her tart response to herself. The look she cast his way was suspicious. Why did she feel like his statement contained a hint of mockery?

"I might know how to do it, miss," a man with faded red hair offered from the side of the wagon. He eyed her uncertainly, almost flinching when he noticed Caden at her side.

The newcomer wasn't Trateri. That much was obvious. Lowlander. Definitely a throwaway.

"You're not needed," Caden said flatly.

The stranger jolted. "Of course. Sorry to interrupt."

"Wait," Eva said. "What did you mean you might know how to do it?"

He hesitated, his gaze flicking in Caden’s direction. It caught on the crest of the Hawkvale which Caden wore over his chest. The man's face paled further when he realized who he was addressing. The Anateri were highly respected, but they were also feared.

None feared them more than a throwaway.

"Answer her question," Caden rumbled.

Eva glared holes in him, wanting to kick him for his rudeness, while knowing she'd never dare. Since she couldn't do that, she stepped in front of him, bringing the focus of attention to her.

She smiled at the other man, the expression unfamiliar and forced. "Please, continue. He won't hurt you for speaking."

At least Eva fervently hoped he wouldn't.

The man waited several seconds as his gaze went to the menacing presence radiating from the Anateri behind her. She didn't need to see to know that Caden probably looked very much like a killer just then.

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