The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,41

Blossom might not be much to look at, but Eva was willing to bet she'd outwalk any of these pretty Trateri horses up a mountain pass. She came from sturdy stock. What she lacked in speed and grace she made up for in determination and stamina.

Eva waited expectantly for Caden's apology. None came.

Instead, he looked expectantly at Jason who'd shadowed the two across the pasture.

Jason startled. "I've already been inspected."

Caden raised an eyebrow. "And now you'll be inspected again."

Jason's gaze moved between Eva and Caden before scowling. Eva was just as confused. The Anateri commander had to have better things to do than make sure the two of them were adequately prepared for the journey.

Caden’s expression was implacable as he calmly stared Jason down.

Wait. He wasn’t doing this because of Jason’s comment about her not being trusted, was he? Eva shook her head, dismissing the thought. Couldn’t be.

Jason whirled to lead the Anateri commander toward his mount and pack. Eva tried not to react, knowing how it felt to be singled out and not wanting to add to Jason's situation. The other man already disliked her, there was no reason to make it worse.

His shoulder bumped hers on his way past.

Caden stopped next to her. "Wise throwaways don't challenge warlords."

Eva didn't react. "I didn't challenge him. I did exactly as he instructed and pointed out a piece of information he didn't know."

His head moved back a little as he examined her, his eyes narrowing. She thought she might have imagined the slight twitch to the corner of his mouth as he said, "Touché."

She blinked as he moved past her.

Did her eyes deceive her? Was the commander actually capable of humor?

She shook her head. Impossible. And if he was, he certainly wouldn't share it with her.

Though, she couldn't help but wonder why he'd felt the need to check over Jason's pack. Surely, he was too busy to bother with two lowly herd masters, one an apprentice and the other a herd mistress sans the herd. Could it have been because of the way he'd seen Jason treat her?

She shook her head as she moved off. One thing she was certain of was that Caden definitely shared no liking for her.


Hardwick lifted his head as he gently set Sebastian's leg back down. “You were right. Rest, coupled with a standing wrap at night, would be the best form of healing for him.”

Sebastian was surprisingly docile as Hardwick straightened with a groan, not even trying to nip the other man despite giving him the side-eye.

“A week without travel would be best,” Eva said grimly.

“You’re not wrong,” Hardwick agreed. They both knew that was a futile wish, much as they’d like otherwise.

Sebastian, having had enough of the human standing next to him, nipped at Hardwick, who dodged out of the way before the Kyren could close his teeth on flesh.

The commotion from the far side of camp distracted them from Sebastian’s antics. They looked over as a wagon that easily dwarfed any she'd ridden on rumbled into view.

"Now that's a sight you don’t see every day." The herd master sounded impressed despite himself.

She could see why. The contraption looked like it was the monstrous, slightly-deformed child of a metal beast and a Trateri wagon. Broader and bigger than any wagon Eva had seen before, it belched smoke as it clattered and rumbled up the hill, assisted by a team of eight horses.

“Where did they get something like that?” Hardwick asked.

"The pathfinders, of course. They have all sorts of weird contraptions locked in their Keep. They agreed to let us borrow it.” Darius stopped next to them, shading his eyes as he watched the strange conveyance rock toward them. “Well, herd mistress, what do you think?"

"It's definitely big enough." That was an understatement.

She didn't know how something that heavy would make it across the rough terrain.

"It is that." Darius didn't sound happy, more like resigned.

“How does it work?” Eva asked.

“It burns coal which generates a steam that make the wheels turn,” Reece said from a few feet away. “It does most of the work, but the horses help.”

None of them looked any wiser for the explanation.

He rolled his eyes. “It works. That’s all you need to know. Your throwaways have been shown the basics of how to run it.”

The pathfinder started for the wagon beast with his hands in his pocket.

Under his breath, Darius said, "This is a nightmare."

Eva didn't react, certain she wasn't meant to hear that. Darius flicked a glance toward her, but Copyright 2016 - 2024