The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,40

we get on the trail."

Eva met his gaze and raised her chin, not letting him cow her. If he thought the threat of the wild would break her, he was wrong. She'd survived on her own after she left her village. There was nothing out there that scared her more than people.

"Let's get this done and get moving," Caden said, breaking up the tension. "We're burning precious daylight."

Darius strode away, his attention already turning to the many things he had to get done before they set out. The general, it seemed, was going with them, along with a hundred of his best men.

Fallon moved toward Shea, the look on his face making Eva's chest pull tight. There was a tenderness in his expression when he looked at Shea that made Eva realize just how alone she was. There was no one to look at her like that. No one to share her troubles or shoulder her burdens, even if it was only for a moment or two.

Caden appeared in front of her, his stern expression making her brace. At the best of times, the Anateri commander was imposing. When he was scowling at you after you'd challenged his warlord, he was doubly so.

"Let's go." He walked away before Eva could react.

"Where?" She hurried along behind him.

"To check over your pack."

She stopped and scowled at his back, secure in the fact he couldn't see her. She thought about protesting, but instead trailed after him, muttering to herself. "That's already been done."


Eva waited impatiently for Caden to finish his impromptu inspection. Where it hadn’t bothered her for Shea and Ollie to make sure she was adequately prepared for the trip, it galled when the commander did the same.

Jason stood beside her as Caden sifted through her things. "You're not really trusted despite appearances, are you?"

Eva didn't outwardly react to the comment, instead keeping her eyes on Caden. His head turned slightly as he caught Jason's words, his shoulders stiffening. Caden straightened and stepped toward Caia's head, running his hand down her neck admiringly.

If he had been anyone else, she might have struck up a conversation. Someone who could appreciate Caia, was worth talking to. But this was Caden, and it would take more than that small glimpse of appreciation for Eva to brave his cold disdain.

She waited for Caia to take a chunk out of him for the presumption. The mare, obstinate and difficult as always, shifted to allow Caden better access so he could rub her cheek and nose, even going so far as to nudge him for more when he stepped back.

Eva's eyes narrowed on the traitor. Contrary horse. She didn't like Ollie, who was nice to Eva, but she had no trouble sidling up to the arrogant commander. A man who sometimes left Eva feeling about as smart and independent as a turnip.

He pushed Caia away. "Where is your second mount?"

Eva pushed her chin at a string of horses where her other mount waited with the rest of the secondaries. It was customary for the Trateri to travel with two or more horses. When the first tired, they would switch to the second so the first could rest. It was one of the reasons the Trateri were seen as such a threat in the Lowlands where a rich man might own one horse, but rarely two. It allowed them to cross the long distances necessary to crush those who opposed them in less time.

Caden's expression didn't thaw. If anything, impatience filtered into it. Eva fought the urge to roll her eyes, making her way over to the string and pointing out her mount. You would think she wasn't a herd mistress with the way he was acting.

Her second mount was another mare. Unlike Caia, this one wasn't built for speed and wasn't particularly beautiful either, but she was sweet and easygoing.

Eva was more than happy with that. One arrogant and vain pain in the ass was about all she could handle.

Blossom was shorter than many of the others—more a pony than a horse—with thick legs and a thick coat. She was staid and almost seemed placid unless carrots or sugar cubes were involved. Eva had a feeling she'd been a Lowland pony at some point before someone had either offered her in tithe or the Trateri had simply taken her.

Either way, she was Eva's now.

"Good choice," Caden grunted grudgingly.

"Thank you," was her short response.

She didn't need the praise. If there was one thing she knew, it was horseflesh. Copyright 2016 - 2024