The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,39

the leg will heal. The pathfinder said the terrain we're going over will be rough. The continuous stress will make his wound worse. We'd have to stop for a week or more enroute if it worsens."

Better for it to heal up in the safety of camp than out there with only a few warriors to guard their backs and a lame Kyren who couldn't even run from danger.

Out of the corner of her eye, Eva saw Shea stop and watch the group. The Battle Queen didn't make any move to interfere or draw attention to herself, leaving the situation to Eva and Fallon to handle.

"As much as Sebastian appreciates the consideration, the situation at hand requires some urgency," Ajari said into the tense silence. "Waiting a week won't do."

"I agree," Fallon said, glancing at the Tenrin.

Eva pressed her lips together as failure sank its claws into her. The journey hadn't even started and already she was failing to protect her charge. She was sure, in her place, Shea would have had no trouble making her voice heard and understood.

"Will a wagon satisfy your requirement of keeping him off his leg enough for it to heal?" Fallon asked, surprising her.

Startled, she started to nod before hesitating. His question required careful thought. "I'm not sure."

She'd never heard of a horse being transported by wagon before. It would have to be a very large one to support a creature of Sebastian's height and weight.

"The Kyren weighs less than our horses. He'd have to, for those wings of his to keep him aloft," Hardwick said from behind her. "It might be in the realm of possibility."

That made sense. For the Kyren to fly they would need a much bigger wingspan to lift the full bulk of a horse off the ground. The bones of the Kyren were less dense, more like that of a bird.

"We can't drag a wagon of that size into these mountains," Darius said.

"How long would his leg need to rest?" Shea asked.

Eva glanced at Hardwick, half expecting him to answer. He remained silent, forcing her to speak when the silence dragged on long enough to become rude. "Four, maybe five days."

A week would be best, but Eva knew without being told how impossible that request that would be. Sometimes you had to adjust your expectations and take what was possible, versus what you wanted. It was never easy, but Eva had gotten good at adapting.

"If that's the case, then it should be doable,” Shea said. “The land for the first part of the journey is relatively flat with intermittent roads. At least until the edge of the Idiron Spires."

Fallon glanced at his general. "Can it be done?"

Darius's expression screwed up into a thoughtful frown. "It's possible, but we'll need additional resources. My men are warriors. I'll need them mobile and reactive in case of attack."

Fallon looked away, his eyes distant as he calculated. "Take some of the throwaways."

Darius grimaced. "That'll go over well."

"As my queen keeps saying, if we want to incorporate others under our rule, we need to give them a chance to prove themselves," Fallon said with some amusement.

Neither of the two men at his side looked particularly pleased by that prospect. Caden's eyes never moved from Eva, as if he held her personally responsible for this situation.

She met his gaze and then glanced away rapidly, unable to help the slight tinge of resentment.

Darius sighed. "Fine. One chance, but if they betray us or make themselves into too much of an annoyance, they won't have anything to gripe about. I'll leave them for the beasts." His intelligent gaze swung toward Eva. "That goes for you too, herd mistress. Betray us and you'll wish you never came to the Kyren's attention."

He expected her to quell, to stammer and apologize. He didn't know her very well. She'd faced similar remarks on nearly a daily basis when she first arrived.

"I have to ask myself why everyone feels the need to threaten me when I'm simply doing what was asked of me in the first place." She cut her eyes to the two mythologicals lingering near them. "No matter your species, it seems you're all alike at your heart."

Shea muffled her chuckle, her eyes sparkling as she tried for a somber expression and failed.

"I knew I liked you," Fiona said from behind her.

Eva glanced back to find the female warrior standing next to Shea, a slightly admiring look on her face.

"Indeed," Darius murmured. "We'll see how that bit of gumption fairs once Copyright 2016 - 2024