The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,38

a sly look.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" Eva asked, bending down and lifting Sebastian's front leg. She squeezed the bone, noting how he let out a grunt. Yea, that's what she'd been afraid of. He’d gotten good at concealing his injury but there was no hiding it now. The past two days had seen some rest for the leg, but it was still injured. "I'm neither a warrior nor do I know how to fight. I'm as much at the mercy of another's whims, perhaps more so."

"How refreshing, a human without delusions of their capabilities," Ajari teased.

Eva lifted her head and fixed him with a long look. "I assume you're talking about the Battle Queen when you say that. I thought you respected her."

"Who's to say I don't?" Ajari challenged, raising one eyebrow. "It's quite fun watching her force the world to change to fit her ideals. She is almost stupidly naive and noble at the same time. She and her warlord are trying to accomplish something many, more powerful people, have tried and failed at in the past."

Eva finished what she was doing and straightened. She headed with slow steps back to the main body.

"What? No protest on your queen's behalf?" Ajari called after her.

Eva raised her hand and waved it. "I'm a herd mistress. What do I know of politics or what is possible or not? I know how to deliver a foal and take care of my herd. I leave everything else to other more capable hands."

Ajari didn't say anything to call her back as she walked away. She sensed his and Sebastian's eyes burning into her back as the two trailed behind her.

She scanned those assembled, trying to catch Hardwick's attention. He moved at a quick clip, too distracted to notice her, as he made sure the secondary mounts were ready to move.

He wasn't coming with them, despite her asking him to. He'd said he was too old and weary for such a journey and intended to leave the heroics to the young, such as her and Ollie.

It was disappointing, but she understood. Someone had to take care of the herd here, and Hardwick would be loath to let anyone else touch his babies.

She dropped back onto her heels in disappointment. He was too busy for what she needed. If she wanted to bring Sebastian's problem to Fallon's attention, she'd have to be the one to do it.

Figures. Just after she'd resolved to stay below the warlord's notice, too.

She could let it go and hope the problem resolved itself. Still, there was a nagging voice in the back of her mind that asked, what if it didn’t?

Eva shook her head and strode toward where Caden, Fallon and Darius were discussing routes.

She was a herd mistress. She'd earned the position fair and square, despite opposition from some of the other Trateri herd masters. She needed to start acting like one.

She paused in front of them, waiting to be acknowledged. Only the Anateri who constantly followed Fallon everywhere focused on her, their gazes watchful.

After several seconds, Fallon glanced up.

"We can't leave today."

That got everyone’s attention. The men fell silent as all three fixed their attention on her. Caden's expression was reserved, no outer indication of his thoughts present. Darius seemed surprised but amused. Fallon was the scariest of the three, his dark eyes locked on Eva’s. He put her in mind of a great beast sizing up how easy it would be to gulp her down.

The thought did nothing for the nerves biting in her stomach as she met his stare head on.

"Explain." The word was a cold snap of sound from Fallon.

"There is heat in Sebastian’s leg." To her surprise, her voice was absolutely steady, giving no hint to how much this man terrified her. "If we put too much pressure on it now, it's liable to develop into a fracture."

She didn't have to explain how bad that would be to these men. They'd grown up with horses, riding almost as soon as they could walk. They would understand how dangerous a fracture would be. Often, it was a death sentence since horses spent the majority of their lives on their feet.

"Sebastian says he's willing to risk it," Ajari's slightly amused voice said into the quiet.

Eva looked over her shoulder, finding Ajari and Sebastian standing several feet away. Evidently, they’d followed her.

"I'm not." She met Fallon's gaze with her own stubborn one. "You put me in charge of his wellbeing. With the proper care, Copyright 2016 - 2024