The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,44

at the top of the ramp as they both waited to see what the Kyren would do.

"This will be an interesting trip," Ajari said.

"You're coming with us?"

"How do you think you will maintain communication with him if I don't?" Ajari asked mildly.

"He's been able to express his needs and desires so far without speech," Eva observed, watching as Sebastian put one hoof on the ramp only to step back a second later.

Ajari made a small sound—agreement or disagreement, Eva couldn't tell which.

"Why are you coming really? Is it to learn how the mice react?"

His unsettling eyes focused on her. "How very perceptive of you."

Eva studied him. That wasn't really an answer.

"You said it had to be me. Why?" she asked a question that had been on her mind since the meeting with the Trateri leaders. "What makes me so special? And don't give me your circuitous logic."

"My, how brave the mouse has gotten in such a short time," Ajari mused. "At least when her hunter is at bay."

His gaze shifted to focus on the human male standing to the right of Sebastian.

"Caden isn't hunting me," Eva said.

"Little mouse, I am a predator. I know when another is stalking its prey," Ajari said. "And that man is stalking you."

Eva was quiet as she soaked in his words.

"No argument?" Ajari asked, sliding her a sidelong look. "Perhaps you're more perceptive than I gave you credit for—or perhaps you’re enjoying the chase. The mating rituals of mice are so strange."

Eva opened her mouth to respond but closed it when the Kyren placed a hoof against the ramp again. She held her breath as he followed it with his other foreleg and then the rest of his hooves until he had all four legs on the ramp. He took hesitant, mincing steps up it, acting like a cat dancing across hot coals, his wings slightly unfurled and his eyes wide, the white showing around the edges.

The wood creaked ominously under him before he lunged to the top. Eva and Ajari flattened themselves against the wagon wall to avoid being bowled over. Eva ducked just in time to prevent herself from being whacked in the face by the Kyren's wings.

Finally, he was all the way in the wagon. Eva stepped to the edge and peered around the wagon's side. "He's in."

Hardwick, Ollie and the rest of the men, including Jason, set to work raising the netting that would fit under the Kyren's belly, supporting his weight and helping cushion him against any bumps.

"You might want to step aside for this," she warned Ajari.

She had a feeling they'd seen the last of Sebastian's cooperation, and Eva didn't want to be responsible for the Trateri's diplomatic liaison to the Tenrin being harmed.

Ajari made an impossible leap up to one of the wagon walls, balancing there easily.

He smirked at the look of wonder on Eva's face. "The Kyren aren't the only ones whose bodies have evolved for flight. I may have lost my wings but I’m still one of the Tenrin."

Eva shook her head before stepping around to face Sebastian. She carefully explained what they were about to do, coaxing him to place his legs where she needed them.

"Did he get all of that?" Eva asked Ajari, craning her head to look up.

Ajari studied his claws and shrugged one shoulder. "Who can say what a mythological understands?"

Eva glared at him. That wasn't an answer

"You ready?" someone yelled impatiently from outside.

Eva hesitated, glancing at the Kyren. He looked ready to bolt. Sadly, Eva didn't think he was going to get any calmer.

"Do it." Eva took Sebastian's muzzle in her hands and pressed her forehead against his. His fear pulled at her, threatening to drag her into a deep dark well.

He liked being trapped in small spaces no better than she did.

There was a torturous wrench from below and then the net inched up to cup his belly. It wasn't actually meant to be constricting, unless he lost his balance.

Once in place, two throwaways climbed the side of the wagon before tossing straps across the top of the wagon to each other.

As soon as those straps touched Sebastian's back, he bucked. An unearthly scream pierced the air as he twisted and kicked the side of the wagon. Hard. One back hoof crashed through a slat.

A man screamed in pain and Eva heard something heavy thump to the ground.

She was too occupied trying not to be crushed under Sebastian's bulk or speared with his horns to worry about anyone but herself. Copyright 2016 - 2024