The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,160

he had a blade in his hand, but he never left her feeling like death was inches away.

Fallon regarded her for several more intense seconds. "I look forward to hearing this. Come, my Battle Queen will want to be present for this."


We know what we want. The Caller will be our liaison, Orion said.

Eva went still, her gaze still focused on Fallon as surprise held her in its thrall.

The room fell quiet as if it sensed something momentous had happened.

Eva faced Orion’s steady regard. They were in the same audience chamber Caden had brought her to that first time.

Surprisingly, Orion had been able to fly through one of the large windows high on the wall and didn't seem out of place surrounded by walls and a roof. If he was wary of being caged behind stone, he did a very good job of not showing it.

You've proven you have honor for one of your kind. You've shown kindness to one of us when he didn't deserve it. Further, your help with the pregnant mare saved the life of one of our young.

Eva didn't say anything as Ajari steepled his hands in front of his lips and sat forward, his eyes intent on the two of them.

This was what he'd been hinting at, dancing around every time she'd asked, why her.

The Tenrin was as manipulative as the rest of the mythologicals.

Ajari spoke slowly, his voice rumbling through the room as he translated what Orion had said. Eva didn't move, staring blankly at the wall.

"The Kyren suffer from a high birth rate mortality,” Ajari explained, ignoring the glare and snort from Orion. "They, more than any of us, rely on humans and have always had agreements in place. Being called to their side was once considered an honor."

Shea hesitated, glancing at Eva. “Couldn’t she remain here with us except when the Kyren have need of her? Your kind have wings. There is no reason she can’t make her home among us and visit you when you have need of her.”

Ajari was the one to translate Orion’s words. Our intermediary needs to form bonds with the herd. Those can only be established with time. What use is someone whose heart belongs to humans? While I am not saying she must only live among us, for the time being, it is best we get to know her and she us. Perhaps in the future she will be able to travel more consistently between your people and mine.

Eva saw her plans and dreams slipping away.

Forget having a herd of her own one day or winning her place among the Trateri. As the Kyren's liaison, she'd never have any of that. She'd be alone. Forever separated.

Even if she came back, the Trateri would know her loyalty could not be solely theirs. They’d always see her as different, her experiences as forever changing her. She’d stand apart from them.

Her gaze slid to Caden. There was a crack in his normally stony reserve as shock and loss reflected in his expression. It told her the horses she'd grown to know and love wouldn't be the only thing she lost.

Whatever relationship they might have had would be over before it started—ended because of her duty to another.

Eva bent her head, rubbing her forehead tiredly.

Shea stirred. "Give us the room."

The clan leaders and the pathfinder's guildmaster stood and filed out. Fallon lingered, shooting a look at his Battle Queen.

"I'll be fine," Shea told him, setting one hand on his.

He didn’t look happy as he paced out of the room, taking a sizable chunk of the atmosphere with him.

Shea flicked a glance at Ajari and Orion. "You two, as well."

Caden was the last to leave, shooting her an unreadable glance before slipping out and closing the door behind him.

When they were alone, Shea collapsed back into her chair with a relieved sigh. "Whew, I thought this meeting would never end."

Eva didn't know what to say to that.

Eventually, Shea sat forward and rubbed her back. "I'd recognize that look anywhere. You feel your world spiraling out of control and are helpless to do anything about it."

"I imagine most people feel like that at one point or another."

Shea's smile conceded Eva's point. "Very true. I remember that feeling when Fallon found out who I am. I also remember the moment I decided to stay with him, and the loss I felt because I knew I was giving up many of the things I'd worked my entire life for."

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