The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,159

basking in the connection with her friend. Somehow, she knew she’d always be able to reach out and find Caia, the bond between them bright and strong.

“Don’t be too good for him,” Eva whispered. “It’ll make me jealous.”

She squeezed Caia one last time and stepped back, an impish grin on her face. The horse had a similar devilish expression as Eva moved toward Sebastian.

She didn’t let herself look back until she’d mounted Sebastian, Caden catching her eyes as she straightened.

He lifted an eyebrow, asking if she was alright in that silent way of his. Somehow, he knew without her having to tell him, how painful leaving Caia behind was.

She smiled faintly and nodded. She would be.

Sebastian was calm under her as she laid one hand on the side of his neck. "Try not to take any sudden detours this time, will you?"

A derisive snort was his only response.

The fire fox bounded out of the hills next to the city, leaping and landing in Eva’s lap seconds before Darius mounted.

Eva clutched at her unexpected bundle, staring down at the fox in surprise. She hadn’t seen him since he brought the mist the Kyren mare and foal had disappeared into.

“What are you doing?” she asked the fox.

A warm tongue on her chin was his only response before he turned in a circle finding a small spot to curl into as he half-reclined on Sebastian’s neck and half on Eva’s lap. Evidently, she was his person now and he planned on accompanying her home without her say so.

She found herself petting the pest, listening as Darius’s battle cry lingered in the air. The Trateri answered with wordless cries; the Kyren screaming as they burst into a gallop. Eva lurched forward, clutching Sebastian’s mane. Riding him was different than riding Caia. There were no reins; the Kyren chose his path. Control was an illusion and she was simply along for the ride.

The ground shook as Eva saw a white flash out of the corner of her eye, Caia’s legs moving powerfully as she kept pace.

One by one the Kyren took to the sky, carrying their riders higher than the Trateri had ever been.

Eva glanced below, catching a glimpse of Caia racing along the hills beneath, traveling with them a short distance in the only way she could. Eva didn’t worry, knowing the mare would circle back to the city and the rest when she was ready.

Until then, Eva had a moment to hope that none of those present were afraid of heights before she let herself get lost in the journey, just as enthralled and amazed as those around her.


Making their journey to Wayfarer's Keep took several days, but even then, they were back in a quarter of the time it had taken them to ride out.

Fallon himself was there to greet them when they finally touched down to an audience of Trateri entranced with their new visitors. Eva spotted pathfinders along the wall, each as unwillingly fascinated as the Trateri.

It seemed to be a human trait; this interest in those who embraced the freedom of the sky.

"I see your journey has been an interesting one," Fallon observed as they landed.

Darius grimaced. "Perhaps a little too interesting."

Fallon lifted an eyebrow. "I look forward to hearing about it." He stepped forward, giving his attention to Orion. "It seems we meet again."

Yes, we do.

When there was a long silence, Orion's attention swung to Eva as Sebastian shifted under her. The fire fox yawned, its eyes bright and curious as it hopped down off Sebastian.

There was a small exclamation from a few of those watching when they caught a glimpse of his extra tails.

"Right," she muttered, swinging a leg down and hurrying over to the two.

"Warlord, this is Orion. The leader of his people," Eva said.

Fallon regarded her. "I know."

She hid her wince. Yes, of course he did. That was a stupid comment. Two seconds in and already she was failing.

Tell him we've come to discuss this alliance they seem to want.

She glanced at Orion and nodded before taking a deep breath and facing the Warlord again. "They've come to discuss the alliance."

"Oh?" he asked, swinging his attention between the two of them.

This next part was the one that made her feel ill with nerves. "And I'm their spokesperson."

Fallon lifted an eyebrow. "You can hear them."

Eva hesitated, sharing a glance with Orion before nodding hesitantly.

"Fascinating," Fallon murmured.

It was terrifying being the subject of the Warlord's attention. She knew mentally Caden was as dangerous, perhaps more so when Copyright 2016 - 2024