The Wind's Call (The Broken Lands #4) - T.A. White Page 0,158

with the Kyren will help.”

She nodded. That would have to be good enough for now. There was no sense worrying about something that hadn’t happened yet.

She hesitated and cocked her head. “What did you think I was going to tell you before?”

His gaze was enigmatic and knowing as it met hers before sauntering away, saying over his shoulder, “Nothing of import.”

She shook her head. It certainly hadn’t seemed that way.

There was a stomp of a hoof behind her and then a hard nudge to her back that sent her flying forward several steps. Eva’s smile was bittersweet and rueful when she turned and looked up at her friend.

Caia’s expression was disgruntled. It seemed it had dawned on the horse what was happening, and she didn’t like it. Not one bit.

Caia stomped her hoof again like a petulant child before letting out a demanding nicker. She bobbed her head up and down several times.

“Don’t go getting all bossy with me, missy. It won’t work,” Eva told the horse. Her expression softened. “This is only temporary. We’ll be together again before you know it.”

Eva had to believe that. Otherwise she didn’t think she’d be able to get on Sebastian and fly away. She’d see Caia again, she promised herself.

Caia’s ears flicked and her lip lifted, a silent threat that the mare was thinking of biting her.

Eva couldn’t help the laugh that burst from her. It was good to know that Caia remained herself in all things. She wasn’t easy; she wasn’t nice. She was Caia. Stubborn and prone to acting like a spoiled child, but there was a love that threaded through everything she did.

Unafraid, Eva rubbed Caia’s cheeks and then her nose. “I know. Believe me, there isn’t anything I’d like more than to stay.” She dropped a kiss on Caia’s nose and pressed her cheek to the horse’s. Helping the Kyren and the Trateri was important, but that didn’t mean it was easy or that she didn’t feel like she was being pulled in two directions.

This would be the longest the two had spent apart since Caia had found her in the Hags’ Forest. She hadn’t realized how much she depended on Caia until now, when the prospect of being separated from her made her throat tight and her eyes scratchy.

She lifted her head, rubbing Caia’s neck one last time before straightening. “Now, be good for Ollie. I know you like to tease him, but his job is going to be difficult enough.”

He’d be the only herd master staying behind since Jason was going with her. Eva was sure the Trateri would help him, but the majority of the work would still fall on his shoulders. He didn’t need Caia acting like a petulant child.

As if sensing her thoughts, Caia’s ears flicked indignantly.

The sight made Eva smiled. Protest though she might, they both knew Caia was used to getting her way.

“No tantrums. I mean it.” Eva sent her friend a meaningful look. “Ollie will tell me if you act up. If you do, I’ll make sure you and Sebastian are kept separated from now on so his stubbornness doesn’t rub off on you.”

Caia’s grunted, her expression insulted.

“Don’t think I’m not aware of what the two of you get up to while the rest of us are asleep,” Eva told her.

The two had formed an odd friendship, disappearing at night when they thought the others were sleeping. Eva knew they sometimes ran together, Caia galloping while Sebastian shadowed her from above.

It was a mostly empty threat. There was little chance Eva would be able to control Sebastian’s actions if he really wanted to stay with Caia, but maybe it would make the horse think twice about giving Ollie too much trouble.

The mare turned her head, refusing to look at Eva. Guilt and a slight sheepishness on her face.

“Eva, it’s time,” Fiona called.

Eva nodded, waving her hand to show she understood. “If everything goes well, I’ll see you in a few weeks.”

Eva moved to walk away. She only made it a step before Caia’s head settled over her shoulder and she used her chin to nudge Eva toward her chest.

Eva shifted, throwing her arms around Caia’s neck and burying her head against her shoulder. The two stayed like that for several minutes, locked in the horse’s version of a hug.

Eva relaxed that part of her she now identified as holding her caller abilities, letting her soul brush against Caia’s.

She was surprised when Caia’s feelings came flooding into Eva. She closed her eyes, Copyright 2016 - 2024