For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,164

am I a slut?"

"Only in the best way," Kate assured her. "And now? What's the status of things?"

"Psyc kinda said it was just one night," she admitted. "Back to friends and all that. But things are good with Braden."

"So, still a couple?"

"Still a couple," Rhaven assured her. "And Psyc's still a friend. I've talked to him twice since. I mean, a text when I got here, and a few minutes in TeamSpeak the other night. Nothing really earth shattering, but it's not as weird as I thought. Well, as I worried it might be."

"Is the next event going to be weird?" Kate asked.

Rhaven groaned. "Probably. Kate, Psyc was kinda, you know, first. Like, ever."

"Whoa." Kate chuckled. "So, yeah. Brace for weird, but you've got this. I'm sorry I asked, but I've been dying to know. Now go call your family - and Psyc."

The moment Kate hung up, Rhaven dialed her dad. It rang until it went to voicemail, so she left him a message that she was going to be changing her number, that something had happened, and she was calling Tyler next. Hopefully that would put him at ease before the weirdness started. Then, she called her brother.

"Hey!" he answered. "How's life for my little sister?"

That, more than anything else, put a smile on her face. "Hey, Tyler. I got bad news."

"Braden?" he asked.

"No, Braden's good. This has to do with those people who ran the article about me. They just hit again. You know what doxxing is?"

"All your personal stuff put on the internet, right? Like security questions and banking info stuff?"

"Yeah." She pushed out a breath. "I just got doxxed. It's being handled on my side, but they used Dad's address. Hate mail, threats, vandalism. Brace for any of it. Call the cops and tell them what's going on, and see if they can start driving by the trailer. And if you get something, call me, ok? I'll text you my new number."

"And then what?" he asked.

"Tyler, one of my friends works for the FBI. I'm working as an informant for him. That's why they're coming after me. Well, I mean, besides the obvious reason. You're going to have to explain all of this to Dad, but I am safe. Right now, I'm probably in the safest place I could be. I'm just... I'm changing my name and birth certificate, and my friend at the FBI is using this to fast track making me a legal woman."

"Oh, that's great, Eth - Rhaven. If this is what it takes for you to finally get what you want, then Dad and I will deal with it, but don't you have to like, you know, snip snip?"

She laughed. "No, Tyler. And it's not a snip, but an inversion. Montana doesn't require that. Just a declaration that I'm female, and a whole lot of legal crap. Name change, birth certificate, and so on. I don't know how they're doing this, but someone knows a judge, and I'm about to sign things, and it sounds like I'll be Rhaven the woman by the end of the week."

"Good for you," Tyler said. Then he paused. "Shit, Dad's calling. Lemme let you go and tell him what's up. Text me the new number, ok?"

"Promise," she said, then got off the line.

That meant there was only one call left: Psyc. For some reason, this was the one she was the most worried about. Rhaven scrolled through her phone until she found his contact and then ended up just staring at the screen. Just as she was about to tap it, the door behind her opened, and Braden stepped in.

"Everything ok?" he asked.

"Cyn called," she said. "He's using the case, and KoG as a reason to help get my ID changed." She turned her chair to face him. "Name change, Braden, and gender."

His face split into a smile. "Yeah?"

"That's what he said. I mean, it's not done, but... Do you think this is really happening?"

"Oh, it's happening," he assured her. "Baby, I just stripped a hundred threads talking about you on Eternal Combat. There's been a few dick pics, trying to claim they're you, and things like that." Then he looked at her phone. "About to call your family?"

"Already called them and Kate."

His eyes hung on her for just a moment too long. "Psyc?"

"Yeah," she breathed.

"He's probably worried. It's all over the pages we see online." He took a step closer. "Rhaven, if it was the other way around, I'd be freaking out. Call him. I'll Copyright 2016 - 2024