For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,165

be out at my desk if you need me."

She waited until the door closed behind him and then pressed the button, yet all she could think about was how he never once tried to make her feel guilty for still talking to Psyc. Maybe Rhaven hadn't done a lot of dating in her life, but she'd been around enough guys to know that they would never be ok with something like this. If their girl had slept with a guy, they lost it if she ever talked to him again. Even if he was just waiting on her at a restaurant or something.

For Braden to be so understanding? The fact that he'd left instead of staying to hear what she said? That meant he really did trust her - or that he just didn't really care at all. She could feel the panic building just as Psyc answered the phone.

"Rhaven?" he gasped. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine," she promised. "I know about the doxxing, and half the world has jumped in to handle it. I'm fine, Psyc."

"Oh, thank god," he breathed. "I tried calling a bit ago, but got your voicemail. Didn't want to leave a message in case someone already had the number."

"No, it's ok," she said. "I ended up talking to Cyn. Psyc, he's helping me get a new identity. He said I'll have to change everything, and he can help, and I'm going to get my own name and to be a woman."

"No shit?" Psyc asked.

"Did you know that Ohio doesn't do gender changes? That's what Cyn said, so if this hadn't happened, I never would've been able to get my birth certificate changed. Well, not for more than a year or unless I moved again."

"You're going to legally be Rhaven?" he asked, sounding almost as thrilled about it as she was.

She nodded, not even caring that he couldn't see. "Yes!"

"Fucking take that, KoG," he cheered. "You tell Braden yet?"

"Yeah, but it still feels surreal. He was pulling things down on the forums, and he came to check on me, so I let him know, but I was about to call you, so he stepped out..." She let her words die off. "Shit. I'm a horrible girlfriend. What if he's pissed?"

"Wait," Psyc said. "What do you mean, 'he stepped out'?"

"He said you'd be worried, and told me to talk to you." As the words came out of her mouth, she realized she was an idiot. "He's going to dump me, isn't he? I mean, why isn't he jealous, Psyc?"

"He's jealous," Psyc assured her. "Rhaven, that man is trying so damned hard to be everything you need. He's insanely jealous, but he's pushing it down so he doesn't scare you off. In Denver, he said that he doesn't care if his pride gets bruised so long as yours doesn't. That man cares about you a lot, Rhaven. Take a risk. Let him in. You both deserve to be happy, and you're good together."

"Yeah?" she asked.

"Definitely," Psyc assured her. "I mean, in Denver, I was just making sure those KoG asshats couldn't mess with my friend. Him? He was defending his woman's honor and spoiling her bad. He's all in, Rhaven. You should be too. Just invite me to the wedding, ok? I can stand beside Kate and hold flowers for you."

"Thanks, Psyc," she said. "I was worried things with us would be weird."

"Not weird," he promised. "Also not my first friend with some benefits. We're chill. Now go make sure your man knows that. I'll make sure Murder and the rest of PD knows you're ok."

Chapter 54

Now that she knew Braden was forcing himself not to be jealous, she could see the signs. It was just enough to make her realize that this man actually cared, and a lot. Together, they sat down to clean up the forums, taking down a dozen posts just to have twice as many more put back up.

That afternoon, Chance called her into his office. When she stepped in, there was a middle aged man there with a binder. Chance handed her three pages that he said were from the FBI. Sure enough, they were the forms Cyn had promised. She quickly looked them over, amused to see Cyn's manly and messy handwriting, filled in a few blank spaces, and signed them. Then, after showing her ID to the guy, he notarized it all. Chance promised that he'd send it back.

But she'd barely walked out of that room before Dez was pulling her into Copyright 2016 - 2024