For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,128

want to make sure she's ok."

"Well, just to throw this out there..." Braden checked the bedroom door again, knowing he was about to cross so many lines. "I got no problem with three in a bed. Pretty sure she'll be shy, but I don't think she'd mind. The hold up to that is you, because I plan to get her as undressed as I can, and I'm gonna kiss all over her. Now, if you're kissing on her too, just means a two-for-one show for me."

Psyc jerked straight on the stool. "The fuck?"

"Not gonna grope you," Braden huffed. "Shit. I'm saying put her in the middle, dipshit."

"Yeah, no, I..." Psyc snapped his mouth shut. Then, like Braden, he turned to look at the door before turning back and lowering his voice. "I don't have a fucking clue what to do with a dick."

"I do," Braden said. "She's also never done a lot of stuff."

"I know virgins," Psyc said. "Not by choice, but yeah." He waved that off. "Never mind."

He leaned back, looking as if he was about to walk away, so Braden leaned across the counter and grabbed Psyc's arm. "Stop that and fucking listen to me," Braden hissed. "I'm saying that for this weekend, if you want to make a move on her, make it. Doesn't matter if I'm around. Teach that woman that she's sexy. Show her that she's the one calling the shots, not us. No beating the shit out of each other for it. If you get a piece, you do. If I do, then I do. If we do, then so be it. No fucking harm, Psyc."

"And Monday?" Psyc asked. "When you're the man in her bed and I'm back in Cali thinking about the wild weekend?"

"Columbus Expo?" Braden countered. "Same rules?"

"When I fly across the country to see her?" Psyc countered.

"I got a three-bedroom place," Braden pointed out. "But you hurt that girl and I'll snap you like a twig."

"And if you do," Psyc said, "I'll turn the entire high table against you. I may not be able to bench a fucking bus, but that doesn't mean I'm helpless."

Braden smiled. "I'm still calling her my girlfriend."

"So when you gonna get sick of letting some guy fawn all over her?" Psyc asked. "Should I just give up now because I've got no chance?"

"Ask me that tomorrow," Braden said. "Before you leave, ask me, and I'll tell you what I can't now."

Psyc nodded. "Sure. It's better than nothing."

Braden sighed, looking down at his hand to see the damage. "You really like her, huh?"

"I can't fucking stop thinking about her," Psyc admitted. "I had a date with some girl back home. Just some random chick I met at a bar, right? Made it a couple of hours and bailed on her - before I even had a chance to get laid - because I wanted to come home and hear Rhaven on TeamSpeak."

"That's bad," Braden admitted. "I stalk her in game. Go all dev mode and watch her play. When I jump into the chat channel with all of you, I stay too long because I want her to talk to me."

"We're sad," Psyc laughed.

"She's amazing," Braden countered. "And if the world is going to shit on her, then the least we can do is make sure we're not a part of that. If my pride gets a little bruised, well, no biggie. Yours? You'll deal. Hers? She has been pummeled for one thing or another her entire life. How about we make that stop for just a few days, huh?"

Psyc nodded. "I'm in."

Like an exclamation point, the bedroom door opened and Rhaven stepped out. "What's up?" she asked.

Braden looked up, and his breath caught in his chest. When Psyc turned to see her, he wasn't any better, gaping at her like he couldn't remember how to close his mouth. Rhaven noticed and immediately smoothed down her skirt, but that wasn't the problem. The woman looked beautiful, and amazingly so. Breathtakingly so.

"Wow," Psyc breathed.

Yeah, Braden agreed with that sentiment. Her clothes were the same, but she'd changed the tone of it all. Her playful eyeliner from earlier had become a dark and sultry look. Black edged the corners of her lids, looking like something a movie star would wear on the red carpet. Her lashes were long and lush. Her eyes were lined in black, but there was something sparkly at the inside corners.

And then there were her lips. The color was something he'd expect to see Copyright 2016 - 2024