For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,129

on Amy: a black to red fading thing. The spokesperson for Deviant games had a name for it. Something like hombre, but he didn't care what it was called. It looked like danger, and damn did he want to taste it.

"Gorgeous," Braden said. "I think Psyc said it best."

"Wow," Psyc said again, proving the point. "And my outfit logo has never looked that good before."

The one stretched over her chest. No, Rhaven didn't have big boobs, but her shirt was fitted, and the logo was smack in the center of them. Combined with her long legs in those fishnet hose, tights, or whatever she called the things she'd put on? Braden had to reach down and make a little adjustment before things got uncomfortable.

"We need to head down for the final round," Rhaven said.

"Uh huh," Psyc agreed.

Braden leaned over to smack his arm. "Use the top brain, dipshit."

"No blood left," Psyc joked. "It all went south."

Rhaven ducked her head. "Means I've got the advantage this time." Then she lifted her hand and crooked her finger. "C'mon, guys. This is a big deal for me. I need a fucking contract, ok?"

"And no kissing," Psyc said, sounding more like an order for himself than anything else.

Rhaven's eyes jumped over to Braden. "Um - "

He just lifted a hand, stopping her before she tried to explain. "I thought I was clear. Psyc's fair game. Kiss him, fuck him, tease him - whatever you want. Personally, I'm down for the show."

Her lips flickered into a smile, faded, and then curled back up. "Right. So, can we go now?"

Psyc hopped up and offered his arm. "Yes, ma'am. We can do anything you want. Skip the round, roll around in bed, or even kill a few of those fuckers at the high table. I'm down."

"You're one of those fuckers," she reminded him.

"And you're killing me," Psyc assured her. "Coming, Braden?"

"Just admiring the view," Braden said. "And right now, I'm fucking hating the fact that I have to go back to my booth and will miss all the good parts."

"Don't worry," Psyc teased, "it'll be on the stream."

"Not her legs," Braden countered as he moved to open the door. "Or you drooling over her like an idiot."

"Oh, the drooling will get taped," Psyc said. "Promise that no one will let me live that down." Then he looked over at Rhaven. "I'm also not pulling a shot because you look amazing in that lipstick."

"Think of it as a consolation prize," she teased, "because I'm going to kick your ass so hard."

"Hard," Psyc agreed. "Yep, I am."

Braden just closed the door behind them, chuckling under his breath. "The whole fucking room will be. Damn. What I wouldn't give to see that."

Chapter 43

Braden left them halfway to the gaming hall, stealing a kiss against her neck before he headed to his booth. Psyc looked away, but while he seemed tense, she didn't get the impression that he was angry about it. When he wrapped his arm around her before they continued on, she was officially confused. These two guys were both openly hitting on her, and they were ok with it?

Well, she'd have to be an idiot to worry about it, and yet she still did. Good things like this didn't happen to her. She wasn't the woman that men chased - except that she was. Right now, she was living the good life, and Rhaven had every intention of enjoying it for as long as it lasted. Just on principle, she leaned in to wrap her arm around Psyc's waist, hugging him back.

"I like that you're tall," he said without slowing. "Six foot?"

"Almost," she admitted. "I always wanted to be short, though. Like five-six or so."

Psyc leaned until his mouth was beside her ear, then whispered, "Harder to kiss."

"In heels, I'm probably taller than you," she pointed out.

"Sexy," he assured her. "Very. I've always had a weakness for tall women."

And then they were at the door, pausing to be waved through by security. Inside, everything had been moved around, but Rhaven expected that. Turning, she found a table on the stage area, and her computer had been set up beside all the rest. Psyc didn't slow, just turned toward the couple of stairs, steering her with him.

But Void hopped out of his chair and made his way over. Gallantly, he offered Rhaven a hand. "Ma'am," he said, his lips curling into a smile. "You look nice."

"Her suite got trashed," Psyc said. "That was the emergency."

"Yeah." Void paused when Rhaven Copyright 2016 - 2024