For The Win (Gamer Girls, #6) - Auryn Hadley Page 0,127

the ice was already melting.

But the cold felt good. His hand didn't hurt yet, but it would. He'd definitely split the middle knuckle. Something was going to bruise, and this was going to be a bitch to explain away. For years now, he'd managed to keep control of his temper, but seeing Rhaven's room like this and her sitting on the floor had hit every trigger he had.

"You ok?" Psyc asked, making his way to claim a chair on the opposite side of the counter.

Braden just checked his hand and then replaced the ice. "She was crying, Psyc."

"Don't you dare make her feel bad for that," Psyc warned.

"Nah. I'm gonna make them feel bad for making her want to. There's one single thing wrong with my girl crying, and that's simply the fact that she's not happy."

Psyc just dropped his forearms onto the counter and leaned over them. "Can you reach me from there?"

"If I tried hard enough. Why?"

"Because I kissed her," Psyc said. "Right after we left your booth, and I didn't really plan it or anything."

"She kissed you," Braden corrected. "And yeah, I saw. Sure, you made the most of it, but I've never gotten the impression that you're a dumbass or anything. When a woman like that kisses you, you damned well kiss back."

"Not pissed? Jealous?" Psyc sounded like he was braced for the worst.

So Braden decided to just lay it out there. "Yeah, I'm jealous as shit. That's my girl, Psyc. You know how long I've been chasing her. Thing is, I know how long you've been doing the same."

"I almost got scared off when I found out she was trans," Psyc admitted. "You didn't care."

Braden paused, glancing at the room. "She having a shower?"

"Washing her face and fixing her makeup," Psyc explained. "Man, they fucked up all her shit. She said it's her new life."

Braden nodded. "They chased her out of her town. Now that she's been outed, those hillbillies won't be ok with her. I mean, her dad and brother are cool with it, but that only helps so much."

"Then where's she going when this weekend is over?"

"Ohio," Braden said. "I've got a room."

"So do I," Psyc countered. "Well, I'd give it to her."

"Three bedroom apartment," Braden said. "And trust me, Psyc. She's going to Ohio. I can't tell you why, but she is."

"So, that's it then?" Psyc asked. "The best man won, so I should just make sure my outfit-mate is cool for the weekend and leave it alone?"

Braden let out a heavy sigh and gave up on his ice pack. "You trying to win her away from me?"

For a little too long, Psyc just looked at him. "Not really," he finally admitted. "I'm just trying to take care of her, man."

"Me too," Braden agreed. "I also saw her kiss you. I stood there and watched it. Snapped the pen in my hand, sure, but then I realized that I'm not pissed about it. That woman in there? Kate told me something a few days ago. See, she deserves to have a couple of guys fight over her. Thing is, I'm pretty sure she won't like any actual fighting. Not with all the shit KoG's done to her. They've turned her entire life into a battleground, and she probably feels like she has to fight to prove herself." He leaned closer. "She doesn't."

"We do," Psyc agreed.

"So, no harm, no foul this weekend?"

Psyc's eyes narrowed and he twisted his head. "What do you mean?"

"I'm telling you right now that she's gonna go home with me. Even if she doesn't want to live with me, she'll go to Ohio. Kate's there. Adam will take care of her. Thing is, Deviant's there too, man. Neither of us can compete with that. Her best friend, the man who's got her back, and a major gaming company. That's a grouping that's hard to beat."

"Ok?" Psyc watched him, waiting to hear what came next.

"That means I'm going to win," Braden told him. "Proximity, man. She'll go to Ohio. I'm in Ohio. You're, where? California?"

"Yeah," Psyc grumbled.

"But when you flirt with her? She loves that shit. Rhaven's never been the girl the guys want. She never got the fucking chance until now. So let's give her that, huh? No harm, no foul. You hit on her, I'll back off. I hit on her, you do."

"Sounds fair," Psyc agreed.

Then Braden dragged his hand over his mouth. "And tonight? She's staying in my room."

"I'll take the couch," Psyc said. "I honestly just Copyright 2016 - 2024