Wicked Destiny - By Tiffany Stevens Page 0,79

a total shit. I must have made him feel like shit treating him the way I did. But yet, he left me. Yes, he was sent to kill me, but he didn’t. Instead, he allowed me to love him and he broke my heart into such tiny pieces that it couldn’t be fixed, and that was unforgivable. In that moment I was going to make Declan’s choice real easy for him. In that, I’d give what was left of me over to the Darkness. I could feel it creeping from everywhere from the roots of my hair down to my toe nails. When I opened my eyes, Viktor jumped back.

“Sloane, your eyes are black as night. Are you sure you want to go this route? There is no going back once you take this next step.” In that instant, I grabbed him by his shirt collar and our lips met. What Viktor held deep within was the final step.

When I was done, I watched his eyes roll to the back of his head and I let him fall. I stood there on the hill looking over all the land. This would be the place I’d pledge myself. There would be no interruptions and I knew exactly what I needed to do. I raised my arms above my head and called to the rain. I wouldn’t stop there, though. I wanted to feel the full extent of my power as I called onto hurricane winds, tornadoes, and a lot of lightning.

I laughed as the wind whipped through the trees, testing their limits as they were pushed from side to side. As the rain fell down from the Heavens, it felt like drops of nickels as they hit the ground. The lightning looked as if it was dancing the waltz in circles around me and the rest of the clearing. I looked mad, I knew. Standing there laughing in a middle of a storm, scared of nothing, was maddening. Tornadoes now formed with a flick of my wrist; I was like a child with a new toy. It was just like in one of my dreams when I was fighting with Declan.

Declan. That just sparked a hit of rage and trees began to snap one by one. That’s when I saw it. It was the darkness creeping through the spaces between the trees and the snapped branches. It was waiting for me to call to it. Behind me I could hear Viktor stirring, but I couldn’t take my eyes off what was coming. It was just like one of my dreams, only this time I wasn’t running. Viktor was now moaning and the storm stopped as I told it to. I didn’t care that I stood there drenched from the rain.

“You are so greedy,” Viktor managed to say through gritted teeth as he staggered to get up. “So what of your master plan now, Sloane?” He stood up and dusted himself off. “Now that you can manage to conjure up a storm, are you going to flood the city and drown everyone?” He looked ill. Maybe I could do it differently, but something about him radiated power and I couldn’t hold back. I could understand where he got that I was greedy. Then he whistled to the trees and six blurred figures appeared out of nowhere. I jumped back, unsure of what to expect.

Viktor walked over to meet the six figures. The two girls were vampires and one of the guys was too. Of the remaining three, two were shifters, probably wolves because I smelt wet dog. The remaining male had to be a witch or warlock. I wasn’t sure how I could sense this, but I knew. As Viktor approached, they gave a slight bow, but the girls were too eager to bend on one knee. Just to show that they were eager to serve him in many different ways, I presumed.

“What the hell took you so long to get here, Crystal? Dee was here prepping by herself while you were off playing. Well, where were you?” Viktor was talking to one of the Vampire chicks.

“I was doing one last favor for someone unimportant.” She was still on one knee bowing. What was coming on? He walked over to her and she looked up as he caressed her cheek and beckoned for her to stand.

“I hope it wasn’t anything special, because you know I hate to share.” And he lightly kissed her lips.

“No, my lord. Nothing of that nature.” She smiled.


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