Wicked Destiny - By Tiffany Stevens Page 0,80

lord? I hate to share? What the hell is going on? I watched as Viktor walked over to greet the others and I started walking towards them. Viktor caught sight of me as I stood there pondering everything. He smiled, and in the moment something about him changed. He was taller and more muscular. His eyes were different. They were black with red rings. I saw him for what he really was. He was no longer the so-called number two in charge. Viktor walked back to me and went to cup my cheek like he did Crystal the vamp. I slapped it away and everyone started to giggle, but stopped as soon as Viktor snapped a quick glance in their direction.

“How long!” I yelled at him. I continued to push him away from me as he tried to caress me in some way.

“How long what, Sloane? There’s a ton of time durations in that question. You have to be more specific.” Viktor was calm and collected. I wanted to knock him on his ass in that very moment.

“How long have I been your damn puppet?” Rage was slowly building from way deep down. It was like a fuse being lit, but it was taking forever to make it to the dynamite before it could explode.

“Seriously? Since the day you found me moving everything into the loft. From that day, I knew I had you. It’s odd that all you saw was me chasing you, but that was merely an illusion, my dear. That was the hook. The line and sinker was the nights we spent together.” Crystal shot me a glare and flashed her fangs. “Sloane, this is the prophecy. You will help create my army and you will be at my side. There’s nothing to stop us. It has already begun.”

As I stood there taking in every word as he spoke, the others started to circle around Viktor and I. Viktor kept going on about world domination and how everything would be within our grasps. It was too overwhelming and although I stood there like I was listening, I was actually screaming inside. I messed up in the worse way. Even though I completed my last transition, the deceit had pissed me off to the fullest. I was going to make him pay somehow.

“Let me introduce to you your generals. This is Crystal and Dee. This is Aaron, Matt, Justin, and Chad.” He went on to tell me what they were as if I already didn’t know.

I watched Dee walk up to Justin to take his hand, and then she looked me square in the eyes, clearly sending me a message. Message received, and she had nothing to worry about. I nodded in her direction and there was a silent agreement between us. Crystal walked to stand next to Viktor, but Viktor came to stand beside me. I could clearly see she was pissed. She had nothing to worry about, because Viktor was not what I wanted. The picture from my closet crept into my head and I tried my best to push it away, but I needed Declan. I wasn’t going to get through this by myself. I wasn’t sure if I was allowed to pray or if He would even hear me, but I prayed anyway. I prayed that Declan would grow a brain and find me. My being scared was an understatement. I couldn’t allow Viktor to go through with this so-called prophecy. I had to stop him, but how?

Viktor motioned for Chad to come closer. Chad was the warlock. I shook his hand and I got nothing. I thought for sure I would have felt something between us just because of what we were. Aaron was a were-tiger while the other two were wolves. Typical, I thought. After all of the meet and greets, for some reason I didn’t feel complete. I was trying to figure out what the problem was, but then I found myself with Viktor inside of a circle. Viktor stood directly in front of me again.

“So are you ready?” Viktor asked.

“Ready for what?” I was really confused.

“Your final test to prove that you are truly the One. Before I could answer him, he placed his hand on my shoulder and energy flowed from him and into me.

It was nothing like before. Earlier it was pure euphoric. This hurt and it actually brought me to my knees. I begged him to stop, but his hand never left my shoulder. Tears began to

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