Wicked Destiny - By Tiffany Stevens Page 0,78

know anything about that, I know, but the closest thing I can compare that to is the first time you and Sloane connected. It was when your eyes first met, and in the instant, you knew there was something about her that you had to know. It was the moment she told you she loved you. How did that make you feel when she said it?”

“My heart wouldn’t stop racing. I thought I was going to spontaneously combust. It was like that free feeling when you’re flying and nothing else matters.” I was smiling, thinking about that day.

“You truly love her. I can see it in your eyes and in your smile as you talk about her. Show her, Declan. Give her a reason to come back to you.” Her hand covered mine.

“What if it’s not enough? Gabby, I hurt her so bad by leaving I fear her heart isn’t the same. What if it’s so broken it can’t be fixed?” I was starting to doubt already.

“You don’t need me to tell you to fight or to give you a special instrument to change things. She just might surprise you. She’s a strong girl, Declan. Despite what went on between the two of you, she survived the best way she knew how and that’s enough to show you that she’s a fighter.”

She was right.

“Thanks, Gabby.” We stood and hugged goodbye, and then I gave her a quick peck on the cheek. I tightly hugged her again and thanked her, but in that one moment, my eyes locked with another pair of stormy eyes. It was Sloane.


I had just come out of the backroom of the Cantina, drunk off the sudden rush of power. Viktor had brought me here after the meeting house and I had to get some fresh air. Everything started to become overwhelming. I wasn’t sure if I could finish this—finish it right without fully giving in. It was silly to send a silent prayer asking for a sign or some motivation, but that’s when I saw him. Declan was with Gabby and he held her in his embrace. I stopped dead in my tracks. We locked eyes and he was just as stunned as I was.

I couldn’t move, and then I heard Viktor coming up behind me. All the high was gone and I felt nothing but raw jealousy. Why was he even here anymore? Was it to torment me? Rage and jealousy coursed their way through my icy veins. I wanted to make the sky fall right on top of him, and her. Viktor slid one arm around my waist and whispered into my ear.

“Don’t lose focus.” He kissed my cheek and I think he smiled at Declan. Good, I hoped it hurt like hell. The sudden urge to show him I was no one to mess with anymore started to burn me from the inside out and I called to the storm that was nowhere to be found. As soon as Viktor realized what was about to happen, he screamed, “No!”

The next thing I knew, I was back in my clearing.

Chapter 24


“What the hell are you doing? You were about to start a war against an Archangel, Sloane. You need to think before you act. Be smart about things.” Viktor paced in front of me from left to right. Who was he to tell me what to do? Wait, an Archangel?

“Wait,” I stuck my hand up, motioning him to stop, “an Archangel? Declan is an Archangel?” I was confused.

“What? No, he only wished he was. Gabby is the Gabriel. She might have decided to live here instead of the Heavens, but make no mistake. She is very powerful. She too led armies and you would’ve had your hands full, especially with those kids there.”

“So Declan’s girlfriend is an Archangel?” Talk about upgrading.

“No, Sloane, Gabby was a front. Do you not see how he looks at you? I know this sounds weird coming from me, but he did it so you would move on. He is still in good standings with the Heavens. Me? Well, let’s just say I made my choice a very long time ago and old habits die hard. I hate that I hurt you, that is true, but it’s in my nature to be deceiving.” He held me by the shoulders. “Believe it or not, he was ready to sever his own wings to follow you to Hell where Simon has holding you. You’re his forbidden fruit.”

I closed my eyes, feeling like

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