Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,50

blushes again. “Tally took me to Senior Prom. I think you were playing a club that night.”

Chaser nods slowly and scans the room. “Good to see you.”

“Well, I wanted to say congratulations.” She nervously wiggles her fingers at us in a half-hearted wave.

“So, you’re from around here?” I ask.

“No. Well, yes.” She squeezes her eyes shut for a second. “I grew up here. My parents still live nearby. I’m home on break. Tally and I ran into each other and he invited me…here. Tonight.”

“That’s great.” My overly enthusiastic shout has Chaser peering at me sideways. Maybe I should hold off on another cocktail.

“Congratulations, Chaser.” She reaches out, brushing her fingers over his arm. “On the band, I mean. It’s so cool.”

Underneath me, I feel him shift. Knowing how much Chaser likes to keep his music life and biker life separate, I try to think of another topic.

“So, you knew both of them in high school? Did you know Alvin too?” I ask.

She wrinkles her nose for a second. “Oh, Chipmunk! Yes. He was always a little more aloof, though.”

Chaser snorts

Thankfully, Tally rescues us from the awkwardness of this encounter.

“There you are.” He slips and arm around her waist.

“Good timing, Tally. I was just about to start asking her for dirt about you and Chaser in high school,” I tease.

“No dirt.” He peers up at the ceiling for a second and the corner of his mouth quirks. “Okay, maybe a little dirt.”

Clearly enamored of Tally, Alicia giggles like a schoolgirl. He tips his beer bottle in my direction. “Mallory’s on that show, Shallow End, have you ever seen it?”

Alicia’s pretty blue eyes widen and she presses her fingers against her mouth. “I haven’t, no. I don’t get to watch a lot of television,” she says in the most apologetic way. As if she’s worried I’ll be offended. Honestly, I’m relieved.

“No big deal,” I assure her. “It’s a small part, but a lot of fun.” My standard answer when anyone asks me about Shallow End.

“That’s so cool. I’ll definitely have to watch it while I’m home.”

By the way Tally keeps looking at her, TV seems to be low on activities he wants to do while she’s visiting.

Eventually, they wander over to the pool table, leaving Chaser and I alone at this end of the bar.

“I’m so happy they’re together,” I squeal, a little louder than I meant to.

“Yeah, why’s that?” Chaser brushes a lock of hair off my cheek.

I shrug. “Tally mentioned her last time we were home. That’s all.”

His eye-roll and the twitch at the corner of his mouth say he’s less than impressed.

“Why don’t you like her?” An awful thought crosses my mind and I blurt it out before thinking it through. “Did you date her?”

He huffs out a laugh. “She’s not my type.”

“Oh?” I arch a brow. “And what’s your type?”

“You.” He clamps his hands over my hips for emphasis.

“Good answer.”

“The only answer,” he counters. “Anyway, I couldn’t place her until you asked about Chipmunk. He had a thing for her in high school too.”

“Ah, so your band mate and one of your brothers liked the same girl. That’s awkward.”

“I’m pretty sure Chipmunk’s gotten over it.”

“Probably.” I turn back to the bar.

Chaser’s hands slide up my legs and under my dress, dragging it up a few precious centimeters. “What are you doing?” I ask over my shoulder.

“Thinking how I could easily push this up over your hips.” Under my dress, he barely has room to move his big hand, but somehow he slips around my thigh and strokes down my center with his finger. “Rip these panties out of my way.” His hot breath puffs over my shoulder and he nips my earlobe. “And make you come right here.”

I squirm and inch my feet apart.

“You like the sound of that, don’t you?”

Heat stings my cheeks and I take a quick, cautious glance around the room. “Not with so many people here.” Not that it matters, half the room is engaged in much more risqué activities.

The heat of his hand disappears, and he tugs my dress into place.

“What are you doing?”

“You’re right.” He nods to the bar. “Do you want anything else to drink?”

I turn, leaning my elbows against the bar, so I’m facing him and arch my back. A flush of feminine pride sweeps over me as his hungry gaze travels over my body. I reach out and place a finger under his chin, redirecting his eyes to my face. “Chaser, you don’t have to get me tipsy to

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