Wheels of Fire - Autumn Jones Lake Page 0,49

mean,” I growl, not in the mood for his attempt at humor. “While I was on tour, I missed the fuck out of Mallory. She wasn’t out of sight, out of mind for me.”

“Then you’re a rare breed, son.”

“Yeah, probably.”

“Am I allowed to interrupt?” Mallory’s soft voice eases my lingering irritation.

“Always.” I curl my arm around her waist, and drag her between my knees, pressing her back to my chest. “You having fun?” I ask against her ear.

“I am.” She reaches out to my dad. “Are you sure you’re still happy about this?” She wiggles her fingers at him, showing off her ring.

“My father isn’t giving you trouble, is he?” There’s a catch in her voice. Maybe she sensed the hornet’s nest Dad and I have been kicking around over here in our corner of the clubhouse. “I may have gotten carried away when I spoke to him.”

“You were fantastic.” I kiss her cheek again. “He needed to hear what you said.”

“Yeah, princess,” Dad answers slowly. “I’m happy. There’s no trouble your father can throw at me, I can’t handle.”

“I know. Thank you,” she says.

He lifts his gaze to me. “Besides, telling off fathers seems to be the theme of the day.”

“Uh-oh.” Mallory peers up at me. “What did you do?” she says in a teasing voice.

“You were brave today,” I whisper against her ear. Louder, I add, “Figured it was time to get some things off my chest too. That’s all.”

“Enough of the heavy conversation.” My father slaps his palm on the bar top. “My son already psycho-babbled me enough for ten years. Enjoy your party.” He waves us off and turns around, smacking one of the club girls on the ass to get her attention.

Not in the mood to see that tonight, I turn away from them, placing Mallory between me and the bar. The dark corner and angle of my body provides enough cover that I run my hands down her sides, grazing my fingertips along the edge of her dress.

She leans back, resting her head on my chest and stares up at me.

The prospect behind the bar approaches, then steps away. Poor kid dances back and forth, trying to figure out if he should give us privacy but not wanting to neglect our drink needs. I finally end his misery by calling him over.

“Another one?” He swipes my empty bottle and tosses it in the can.

“What cocktails can you make?”

He grins. “Fuzzy Navel, Between the Sheets, Alabama Slammer…all the hard, hyper-sweet ones. Hardly ever get to serve anything except beer, though.” He throws a wink at one of the club girls who walks up. “Except for the ladies.”

“Easy there, prospect,” I warn. “You’re on duty tonight.”

I wait for the girl to grab what she came for before motioning the prospect our way again.

“What interests you, little dove?” I ask against Mallory’s ear.

“Me? I’m not old enough to drink.”

“Doesn’t really matter here.”

“Oh.” Her eyes light up as she studies the shelves of colorful bottles behind the bar. “I don’t know. Whenever my father allowed me a sip of his drinks, they always tasted like poison.”

“Something sweet then.”

She finally decides on a Fuzzy Navel—peach schnapps, orange juice, and vodka.

“Easy on the vodka,” I remind the kid.

“You got it.”

Mallory leans over the bar to watch him mix the drink, sparking a number of dirty ideas for later tonight. I run my hand over the smooth leather clinging to the curve of her ass, up her spine, stopping between her shoulder blades

She turns, her hair tickling over the back of my hand. “What are you doing?”

“Appreciating my beautiful woman.”

“Here ya go.” The prospect slides a tall glass with the orange concoction Mallory’s way. He even added an orange slice. Who knew fruit could be found in the clubhouse?

She takes the daintiest sip. “I don’t taste any alcohol.”

“It’ll sneak up on ya. Go easy.”


Chaser’s right. The drink sneaks up on me, a pleasant tingling sensation leaves me warm all over. “What else can I try?”

The bartender takes my glass but looks to Chaser for confirmation before offering me another drink.

“Chaser?” A soft voice to our right interrupts.

I turn and study the pretty brunette, inwardly I groan, assuming she’s an ex of some sort.

“Mallory, right?” she holds out her hand to me. “I’m Alicia. I’m here with Tally.”

“Oh! I’ve heard so much about you.”

Pink spreads across her cheeks and she ducks her head. “I’m afraid to ask.”

“Did we go to high school together?” Chaser asks.

“I graduated a year behind you guys.” She

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