Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,35

critical thinking skills, my abilities that’d gotten me that NASA internship, in the first place.

But when I was alone in the library with Palqeet, it was like I was able to think again. My mind felt so much clearer the further away I was from Wexxon, the less I let him touch me, let him fuck me. I’d wondered if that was the result of the connection, that obsessive, lingering feeling that Palqeet had told me about so many days before, if the reason my mind had been so cloudy was because Wexxon was always so close to me.

Although even when he wasn’t directly in the room, it was like he was somehow still there. Granted, he didn’t have such a hold on my thoughts as when he was right beside me, but those days he spent recovering by himself, when we weren’t sleeping in the same bed, I’d practically soaked my own bedsheets through with my own wetness. I’d been craving him so badly that I’d been desperately sliding my own fingers inside myself every night, moaning out his name as I rocked against my own hand.

Which was why I was crushed at the idea of Wexxon leaving me alone, heading out of the library like I’d offended him, like the straw had finally broke the camel’s back. I wanted to weep at the thought of him sliding inside another woman, taking her instead of me, her hips happily circling his cock, happy to have a chance to be fucked by Xelxar’s greatest warrior.

I then gently brought my arm down toward my stomach, resting the length of it across my abdomen. I wasn’t sure yet how long it was going to take for me to have our baby, but I knew that I’d begged Wexxon for a child, begged him to come inside me again and again that night I wore the red dress. And despite having a little more clarity, now that I was away from the man, I was still confused about how it seemed like I wanted two things at the same time.

How could I want to be a mother to Wexxon’s child while also want to escape Xelxar, too?

But both things were somehow true. I did want to escape Xelxar, which was why I’d asked Wexxon about learning how to read and getting a translator placed in my neck. When I finally had a chance to make a run for it, I didn’t want anything to be able to stop me, not an inability to read a map, not an inability to communicate with anyone who just happened to not have a translator installed.

But I also wanted to be Wexxon’s wife. I despised the idea of another woman taking my place, and I was overjoyed at the idea of providing him with a family, watching him play with our children as they grew older, watching them admire their father in battle at the arena.

“Fuck,” I cursed under my breath as I adjusted the fabric of the dress against my skin. I’d picked out a dark blue one this time around, although it was just as tight as the red one that I’d picked out before. There was also something different about the way it hugged my chest and waist, almost like the fabric had grown tighter around my frame.


Grown tighter around my frame?

“Fuck!” I cursed again as a realization hit me in the moment, a small scream soon escaping my throat. I then turned to look at myself in the mirror, my hands going down to my waist, immediately noticing a change in my shape. And even though there wasn’t a baby bump just yet, my hips were full in a way they’d never been in my life. It was like I’d changed overnight, my thin frame shifting into more of a pear, my hips so much wider and my chest somehow more ample, too.

“What the fuck! What the fuck!” I couldn’t help but whimper at the strange woman looking back at me from the mirror. I knew that it was normal for women’s bodies to change while they were pregnant, but seeing myself go through the same process in mere days was fraying every last one of my nerves.

Was Wexxon even going to like me this way?

He’d seem interested enough, back when we were in the library, but hadn’t most of my frame been hidden behind a desk, then, too?

“Rachel?” Wexxon’s voice suddenly filtered into the room, his footsteps not too far behind. “Are

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