Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,34

from us, Wexxon?”

“I was merely observing,” I replied, a smile still on my face. “Is she learning well?”

“Your wife is one of the most intelligent learners I’ve come across in some time,” Palqeet answered. “Maybe even a faster learner than Aldvirion.”

“Oh, he would murder half the planet if he heard you say that.” I chuckled before I looked over at Rachel. “And how is Palqeet as your teacher, my little warrior? Is she satisfactory?”

“She’s the best.” Rachel beamed.

And Palqeet beamed right back.

“I hate to cut your lesson short for the day,” I said, interrupting their moment of kinship. “But I require my wife to be at my side.”

“You require her at your side?” Palqeet asked. “You say that as if there’s a ceremony—Wait. Is there one? Have I gotten a date wrong on the calendar?”

“There’s no ceremony you’re going to miss, Palqeet. Do not worry. You won’t need to buy a new dress in such a short amount of time.” I smirked. “But I will still require my wife, so, if you wouldn’t mind relinquishing her to me?”

“She’s all yours.” Palqeet grinned as she started to walk toward the library’s nearest exit. “If you need me, I’ll be in the beauty parlor. Or the kitchen. Or wherever I please.”

“We’ll seek you out if we need to,” I quietly replied before I headed over to where Rachel still sat behind a library desk. Somehow, she looked even more beautiful now than she had even two days ago, the glow still at her cheeks and skin.

“Are you taking me somewhere, Wexxon?” Rachel expectantly asked as she stared up at me, closing the book that she’d been holding in her hands. She then smiled up at me, too, and the effect of it was almost immediate on my frame, my cock stirring underneath the fabric of my clothes.

“I want to.” My voice was low as my mind seemed unable to hold onto even a single thought that wasn’t about Rachel. “But…”

“…But?” Rachel calmly placed the book on the table, arranging it in a neat stack among several others.

“But I don’t know if I’m going to be able to wait,” I answered, already shaking my head. “My need for you is much too great, my little warrior.”


“Take off your clothes,” I commanded as I quickly moved behind the desk, my hands reaching for Rachel’s waist.

“No.” Rachel’s voice was steady as she pushed my hands away from her frame.

“…Are you rejecting me?” I was genuinely shocked by her response. “Do you not crave me the same way that I crave you—”

“I crave you,” Rachel murmured, a visible shiver going through her body. “But just…not here. I don’t want…I can’t. Not in a library.”

Rachel didn’t explain any further as she wordlessly took a step away from me.

And my heart ached for her as I recalled what’d happened to her parents, the night she’d been tucked away studying in a library as they burned in that horrid fire. “I’m sorry if this place brings to mind any awful memories for you, my little warrior. If you want, you can redecorate as you please—”

“It’s not how it looks,” she replied. “It’s just…what it is. Libraries have always been my safe space. Where nothing can touch me.”

My sympathy for her then twisted into irritation. “Are you saying that I do not make you feel safe? That my touch is not a comfort to you?”

“I…” Rachel looked away from me, before she went on. “It’s complicated, Wexxon—”

“You do not have to worry,” I cut her off with my response. “I am not going to force myself on you. If you don’t want me to touch you, then I won’t.”

“That’s not what I said—”

“You should go to the beauty parlor and pick out a nice dress for the night,” I continued. “I think we shall have dinner somewhere outside of the castle this evening.”

After I finished speaking, I turned away from Rachel and headed right out of the room, wanting to hide the aggravation that was spreading like wildfire across my features.

Chapter Ten



Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

What the fuck did I just do? I inwardly groaned as I sat in a chair inside the beauty parlor, my heart sinking fast inside my chest.

When I’d turned Wexxon down in the library, I wasn’t trying to push him away. I just wanted to keep some part of my brain for myself, some place inside me that Wexxon wouldn’t have been able to touch. It’d been hard, and honestly, almost impossible, to regain any of my

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