Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,36

you ready to leave the castle, my little warrior—”

“Don’t!” I shouted as soon as he turned into the parlor. “Don’t look at me.”

“First I cannot touch you, and now, I cannot look at you, either?” Wexxon shook his head as he stepped closer toward me. “Can I have none of you?”

“It’s not that. It’s just…” My words trailed off as I crossed my arms over my chest. “I don’t…I’m not the same.”

“What do you mean?”

“My body…” I tried to explain again. “It looks different.”

“Different?” Wexxon paused for a moment before a bright smile appeared on his face. “Ah. You’re going through The Change.”

“I’m guessing this is happening because I’m pregnant?” I mused.

“It happens to all pregnant females on Xelxar,” Wexxon replied. “Your body finds where it’s lacking and develops what it needs.”

“Where it’s lacking?” I frowned. “So, what? This is the planet’s way of telling me that I needed to gain a few pounds?”

“Your body will return to its natural state once you’ve given birth,” he continued. “Until then, however, you will change as much as our child needs you to.”

When he was finished speaking, Wexxon gently placed his hands over my own, moving my arms down and away from my chest.

He then offered me another smile, his eyes appreciatively glancing up and down my frame. “You’re just as beautiful as ever. If I was allowed to touch you, I would show you just how beautiful you are to me right now, my little warrior.”

“You can touch me—” I started to say, just as Wexxon moved his hands away from me.

And then, he was heading out of the room, motioning for me to follow right behind him.

I crossed my legs as Wexxon and I settled into our seats at what reminded me of a fancy, big city bar. Of course, there were major differences between the two, such as the see-through panels on the roof of the building that gave the perfect view of the Xelxar night sky, the kind of structure I’d only seen on Earth in places like NASA or government spaces. There was also the matter of the shimmering substances everywhere, as patrons imbibed drinks that made their throats temporarily glow with different colors. I even watched as a younger woman quickly took a drink, only to then let out a loud laugh, a small cloud of bright, pink glitter emanating from her mouth.

“Where are we?” I asked as I brought my attention back to Wexxon. “Everyone’s drinking. Is this a bar?”

“A bar?”

“A place where people go to get intoxicated,” I clarified. “Is this that sort of place?”

“Yes.” Wexxon smiled. “People do often come here for the intoxication.”

“I can’t drink while I’m pregnant, Wexxon,” I argued, my hand instinctively going down toward my abdomen. “It’s bad for the baby.”

“On Earth, maybe so,” he replied. “But not on Xelxar. We do not consume anything that would ever harm our bodies or our children.”

“Oh.” I hummed after I spoke, my eyes going over toward a couple seated on the opposite end of the bar. The woman’s fingers were glowing red as she lovingly stroked her partner’s face, his eyes blown with a magnificent teal coloration.

“Would you like to try a drink?” Wexxon asked, his hand tapping along the bar. “I promise, I wouldn’t invite you here if I thought it would harm you.”

“Do the drinks do different things?” I pressed. “I mean, I know they change people’s color. But what about mood? Thoughts? Could they change those, too?”

“Yes.” Wexxon nodded. “They are known to have those abilities, as well. Is there a particular effect you were looking for, my Rachel?”

“…Clarity?” I quietly suggested. “Is there a drink that can…give me some sort of insight about something?”

“Is that the sort of drink you liked back on Earth?” Wexxon grinned. “The kind of drink that would give you the ability to outthink your enemies?”

“If by enemies you mean my classmates, then, yes.” I lightly chuckled. “I was a pretty smart woman before you met me, you know. The same way you’re so great in the arena is the same way I was great at taking tests and making good grades.”

“I believe it to be true.” Wexxon smiled before he traced an outline on the bar, his fingers moving in a figure eight shape. A few seconds later, there were two glasses that rose from the counter, each filled with a yellow substance that reminded me of Jell-O.

“Here you are.” Wexxon smiled at me again as he handed me one of the

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