Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,24

powerful and invasive, like he was claiming ownership of my mouth, the same way his cock had claimed ownership over my pussy. I tried to move away from him, tried to take my lips back as my own, but it was like my body was no longer cooperating with my brain.

Because my body belonged to Wexxon.

“Wexxon…” I murmured his name as he broke off the kiss, as he returned his hands to my waist, controlling the speed of my hips. “Wexxon…I think…I think I want…”

“What is it that you want, little warrior?” Wexxon continued at the same pace as before, his cock pounding into me, my body on the verge of coming for him yet again. “All you have to do is ask.”

And in that same moment, I began to weep.


There was such a huge disconnect between my body and my mind—I didn’t know what to think anymore. I didn’t know how to think anymore. For reasons I couldn’t understand, all my body wanted was to carry Wexxon’s seed, to try and birth him a mighty son or a graceful daughter, someone he’d respect just as much as Aldvirion, someone who turned out just as kind as Palqeet.

“I can’t…I can’t…” I turned my face away from him even as my hips continued to rock against his own. I couldn’t bring myself to say the words. I couldn’t betray my own chance at freedom by encouraging him to impregnate me, no matter how much my mouth was begging me to admit my deepest desire out loud.

“You don’t have to say it, my little warrior.” Wexxon flashed me a bright smile. “I already know what you want from me.”

“Wexxon, wait—” But by the time I got the words out, it was already too late. Wexxon was pumping my pussy full of his warm cum, his body going still as he spilled his seed inside me. But even as Wexxon’s cock exploded inside my pussy, something still felt so off between us, my body seeming unsatisfied by the result.

“…Again,” I instructed, my voice unwavering as I began to steadily circle my hips against his waist again. “I want you to come inside me again.”

And Wexxon smirked up at me, his waist already moving to meet my own.

We’d mated throughout the rest of the afternoon.

And all through the night, too.

By the time we were finished with each other, I was completely exhausted, my body so close to passing out from the effort. In fact, the only thing that kept me awake was the pure, raw hunger that felt like it was ripping my stomach into shreds.


When was the last time I ate anything? When was the last time I drank anything?

It had to have been the morning of my internship, which had been a full day ago, maybe two. I briefly wondered if the terror of my new situation had dulled my instincts for food and water, my body much too focused on staying alive and getting away from the alien planet.

Or at least, that was what my body used to be concerned about. Now, it seemed like the only thing I craved was Wexxon, and more specifically, Wexxon’s seed. I then brought my hands down to my empty stomach, a painful rumble moving right through it before I glanced over at Wexxon on the other side of my bed.

“I need to eat,” I said, my voice low as I spoke. “And I need to drink. If I don’t eat and drink something soon, I’m probably going to die.”

“You sound quite calm for a dying person,” Wexxon joked as he looked over at me in return. “And from the way you’ve been screaming my name for the last several hours, you nearly had me convinced that all you needed to sustain yourself was me firmly inside you.”

My cheeks went red at Wexxon’s response, shame rising up to my skin. “I don’t…I’m not usually like that. I’ve never been like that with anyone else, not before I met you.”

“I would hope not.” Wexxon grinned. “It’s supposed to be different with your husband, after all.”

“I’m serious though, Wexxon. I need to eat something,” I murmured as I shifted away from the bedsheets. “Do you think there’s something in the castle I can eat? Or something you can bring me? Since I’m not supposed to leave the room—”

“You can leave the room now, Rachel.” Wexxon smiled as he moved out of the bed, too.

“…What?” I let out a confused laugh. “What do you mean? Weren’t you just

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