Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,23

the hall. “Why?”

“It’s an inside joke.” I smiled over at him before I sat down on the edge of my bed.

“An inside joke?” Wexxon tilted his head to the side. “I’m not sure I know what you mean.”

“It’s just like a regular joke, except it only makes sense to two people,” I explained. “Or more than two people, I guess. Whoever happened to be around when the joke was first made.”

“That sounds like something that should be shared between mates.” Wexxon frowned before he sat down beside me on the mattress. “Will you share an inside joke with me, my little warrior?”

“Maybe,” I replied. “If a moment ever comes up.”

“I hope it will.” Wexxon sighed as he ran his fingers through my hair, just as gently as Palqeet had done a little earlier. “Have you been having a good day with your new friend?”

“Palqeet was very kind to me,” I answered, with a slight smile. “I didn’t know Xelxar females could be so kind.”

“You cannot judge Xelxar by the worst of us,” Wexxon continued. “If all you think of is Radpor and Furlata when you think of Xelxar…then we’d seem like an awful planet, indeed.”

“How was your day at the arena?” I asked as I stared over at his face, trying to guess his response before it even came out of his mouth.

“Uneventful.” He shrugged, his hands going toward my waist as he easily pulled me into his lap. “Did you wear this dress just for me, my little warrior?”

Wexxon’s hands moved lower, toward the inside of my thighs, his fingers running along my sensitive skin. “Did you want to tempt me into mating with you?”

“This was just something Palqeet picked out for me,” I murmured. “She…wanted me to have some nicer clothes.”

“Nicer clothes…” Wexxon repeated, his hands gently spreading my thighs even further apart. “If these are as nice as Palqeet’s typical clothing, then I should be careful not to rip the fabric.”

“Not to rip the fabric—Wexxon!” His name caught in my throat as I felt his thick cock somehow already sliding deep inside me. And yet, even though Wexxon’s huge shaft had just penetrated me without any warning, there wasn’t any pain, my body suddenly overwhelmed with instantaneous pleasure.

“…How?” I moaned as my pussy clenched tight around the length of Wexxon’s cock.

“You wanted me,” Wexxon replied, like it was the most logical thing in the world. “Of course your body was ready for me, too.”

“I didn’t…” I shook my head with the denial. “I mean, I wasn’t even thinking about anything sexual—”

“You were thinking about mating with me as soon as I saw you in the beauty parlor.” Wexxon grinned up at me, his hips starting to move against mine in a small circle. “I know you were, because I was thinking about mating with you, too.”

“But I wasn’t…” I groaned as Wexxon’s shaft filled me up to the brim, my fingers flexing against his shoulders in response.

“Maybe you just weren’t cognizant of your desire,” Wexxon suggested, his hands hiking the red dress up my waist even further as he slid his cock even deeper inside me.

And I cried out for him as I shamelessly rode his shaft, my need to come for him making me feel so frenzied and desperate. “Fuck…Wexxon…Wexxon…”

There was lust in Wexxon’s eyes as he looked over at me, his hands gravitating toward my chest as his fingers searched for my sensitive nipples. And once he’d found them, he rolled the nubs between his fingertips, pleasuring my chest over the fabric of the red dress, keeping up a steady rhythm as he drove his cock inside me, again and again.

“I’m coming…” I moaned out for him as an orgasm rolled right through my abdomen, my hips still moving against his own, even as I threw my head back with the motion. “I’m coming…I’m coming…”


I’m supposed to be looking for an escape.

The thought flashed in my mind, the last gasp of reason I had left in my brain. What the fuck was I doing right now? Letting Wexxon fuck me however he wanted? Shamelessly coming on his cock as if he was actually my husband? As if any of this was real?

“Your mind is drifting…” Wexxon murmured before he brought a hand up to either side of my face. “Let me bring you back, little warrior.”

After he spoke, Wexxon’s large tongue slipped between my lips, capturing me in a kiss that forced all the air right out of my lungs. His kiss was just so

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