Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,22

again. “Maybe so. But I think it’s a beautiful thing. I long to have a connection with a male someday. Until then, it’s all just meaningless mating as we wait.”

Palqeet then held my hair up with one of her palms as a small frown appeared on her face. “Have you ever considered shaving down your fur?”

“Oh. It’s not fur.” I nervously chuckled.

And Palqeet shrugged at my response. “All right, then. As long as your mate likes it for now.”

She then playfully nudged me in the shoulder before she walked away from me and the chair. A few moments later, she returned with a large pile of various dresses held tight in her grip, ranging from gaudy to bland, the fabric shimmering in her palm.

“Would you mind being a little doll for me? Just once more?” Palqeet smirked.

And I happily nodded over at her in return, my hands already reaching for the dress that sat on top of the pile.

“Oh, little doll,” Palqeet gasped as I stepped outside of the dressing room closet, a bright red dress clinging tight to my frame. Palqeet had been forced to use a pair of scissors to trim it down to my size, the fabric being meant for a much taller woman, but once she’d managed to make it fit me, even I couldn’t deny that it looked gorgeous against my skin.

“The way it glitters in the sun…” My eyes lit up as I looked down at the fabric. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything so beautiful, Palqeet.”

“That’s exactly what your mate is going to be saying about you, too.” Palqeet grinned. “Oh, Rachel. I can see why he chose you now. Like this, you are one of the most beautiful females on Xelxar…well, after me. Of course.”

“Of course.” I lightly chuckled as I playfully rolled my eyes. It was strange that Palqeet was one of the few women who I’d felt a certain kinship with throughout my life, especially since she was literally an alien. And yet, being around her made me feel so much more comfortable, like maybe if I’d ended up trapped on this awful, violent planet, at least it wasn’t going to be all bad all the time.

“Do you think you’ll take a mate soon?” I asked, quietly wondering if my time with Palqeet would be limited, if she’d be out of the castle in a few weeks or a few days.

“My little doll, I take a different mate every night.” Palqeet laughed. “I’ve never been one to seek out matrimony, but if it comes calling my name in the day, I just might answer its call—”

“What are you doing here, Palqeet?” Wexxon’s voice was gruff as he suddenly stepped inside the room, the friendly moment between Palqeet and me evaporating into thin air. “Why do you have my mate outside of her designated space?”

“Why are you back so early from the arena?” Palqeet scoffed. “I thought you were supposed to be facing Radpor today. It didn’t take you at least a few hours to vanquish him?”

“Radpor has already been vanquished,” Wexxon replied. “There were no other challengers for me at the arena today. Although I’m sure there’ll be someone tomorrow.”

“Yeah, right.” Palqeet flippantly waved a hand. “Going up against you is a death sentence, Wexxon.”

She then took a few steps closer to him, clearly unafraid of any semblance of consequences. “And if you must know, I was beautifying your mate. How do you expect any female to feel wanted or desired in a dirty old church robe?”

“I don’t want her out in the open, Palqeet,” Wexxon warned.

And Palqeet hastily glanced around the room. “Since when do we consider the beauty parlor out in the open, Wexxon? She is as safe in here as any other female in the castle, even safer when she’s with me.”

“You haven’t trained in many moons, Palqeet.”

“Yes, but I can still slice someone’s throat in my sleep.” Palqeet’s response was sharp as a knife. “Killing is an easy thing when you’ve been raised for it.”

“Don’t I know that story?” Wexxon smiled over at her before he motioned for her to leave the room. “You may go now, Palqeet. I’ll call for you if we need you again.”

“I will speak with you later, then, my little doll.” Palqeet grinned as she looked over her shoulder at me.

And then she silently walked out of the room.

“She called you her little doll…” Wexxon mused as we headed back into my secret room, tucked away from the rest of

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