Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,25

making a big deal out of me being anywhere in the castle that wasn’t my room? Seriously. I thought I wasn’t supposed to go anywhere until I was pregnant.”

“…Do you not feel the change?” Wexxon asked, his gaze locked on my own.

“What change are you talking about, Wexxon?”

“Rachel.” Wexxon’s tone had gone from joking to gravely serious. “Can you really not tell that you are now pregnant with my child?”


No. No. No.

He had to be wrong. He had to be lying to my face. My veins went as cold as ice as I looked back over at him, hoping that I’d be able to sense the bullshit from a mile away. But when I looked into Wexxon’s eyes, all I could see was an honest expression as his lips quietly parted and closed, as if there was something on his mind that he wanted to say.

“Oh God. Oh my God…” I slid my hands down toward my abdomen, pressing my fingers against my skin. “I don’t…Wexxon, I thought that I couldn’t get pregnant.”

“I never said that you could not get pregnant by me, my little warrior,” Wexxon replied. “I said that we would find out about the possibility together, and it looks like we now know the answer.”

“How can you tell for sure?” I shook my head in disbelief. “There’s no way you can just look over at me and know, Wexxon. We have to go to a doctor or something, don’t we? Just to be on the safe side?”

“Be one with your body, little warrior,” Wexxon murmured. “And you will know the truth, just like I know it, too.”

I whimpered as I closed my eyes, my hands still resting against my stomach.

Please. Don’t be true. This can’t be fucking true.

But soon enough, I felt an unfamiliar warmth crawling through my veins, something I’d never felt before. It was like I was able to sense a change inside me, at a molecular level, an ability I never would’ve been able to develop back on Earth. But on Xelxar, I was more in tune with my body than I’d ever been before, even if I didn’t always want to listen to its wants or needs in the moment.

“…Fuck.” My mouth fell open with the revelation, my eyes going wide at the same time, too. “I’m really fucking pregnant.”

I was sitting at the counter in what looked like an empty kitchen, with Wexxon strolling back and forth across the room. He’d promised to cook me something special for dinner, to celebrate the successful pregnancy, to mark the occasion of me committing to bringing our child into the world. I silently watched him move about the space, just as confident as ever, his hands grabbing for what resembled pots and pans, except instead of muted colors they were just as bright and purple as the Xelxar sea.

As I watched him move around, I started to wonder about my husband, a nagging feeling of wanting to know everything about him suddenly overtaking my mind. And when Wexxon was close enough to the counter, his body hunched over what resembled a stove, its burners producing small, open flames, I decided to ask him all the questions that’d been swimming around in my head.

“Who is Reddin?” I asked as Wexxon’s attention remained on the burner. “I mean, I know that he’s your brother, but you never mentioned him to me. Not once.”

“That’s because he and I do not speak,” he answered. “Or rather, because he does not wish to speak to me.”

“Why not?”

“Because I wouldn’t kill him when we faced each other in the arena, a very long time ago.”

“…Wait. What?” I scrunched up my nose in confusion. “Your brother won’t talk to you because you didn’t kill him in a fight to the death?”

“If I was stronger, I would’ve done it.” Wexxon sighed as he spoke. “It was weak of me not to take his life when I had the chance. And now, because I betrayed my oath to the arena and let him live…there is very little recourse for a warrior who is shown mercy on Xelxar, my little Rachel. I know that my brother wishes to be a warrior again, to once again fight in the arena…but he will not be allowed to regain his honor so easily. And it seems that he hates me for it.”

“Seriously? All of that just because you wouldn’t kill your brother?” I frowned. “That seems so fucked up.”

“My heart has always been my biggest weakness.” Wexxon shrugged.

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