Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,19

she folded in on herself, weeping and whining.

“I can’t…I can’t…” Rachel let out a ragged breath. “I can’t do this, Wexxon!”

“I’m sorry, Rachel,” I apologized as I moved over to her, as I pulled her into my arms. “I’m so sorry that you had to see—”

“Stop! Don’t touch me!” Rachel pushed me away as another sob broke free from her chest. “Is this all your life is on Xelxar? Just death and violence?”

“Did she hurt you, my little warrior?” I murmured as I eyed Rachel up and down, looking for wounds.

“She sliced my fucking mark back open!” Rachel screamed. “Like a fucking psychopath! And all because of what? Because you wouldn’t marry her?”

“Is that all she did?” I let out a sigh of relief before I pulled Rachel closer to my frame. I then looked down at her still bleeding mark as I quietly shook my head. “I did warn you of the envy, my little warrior. But we are mated now. Everything else is in the past.”

“I don’t want this.” Rachel wept between her words. “Wexxon, I’m sorry. I’m sorry, but I can’t do this. I don’t know how you can even…I’m so tired of dead people.”

“My little warrior.” I took her into my arms again, despite her protestations. “I should be the one apologizing to you. I was the one who failed you, Rachel, not the other way around. And for that, I am truly sorry.”

Rachel’s response came in the form of another shaking gasp.

I gently pressed a kiss into her forehead before I spoke. “I am going to put you somewhere safe. Somewhere where no one can get to you, where no one can find you.”

“You’re going to lock me away in some tower?” Rachel guessed as she looked up into my eyes. “So, what? I’m the one going to prison because someone else tried to kill me?”

“You will only be locked away until you are carrying my child.”

“…Wait, what?” Rachel shook her head. “You’re going to keep me locked up until I’m pregnant?”


“And then what?” Rachel scoffed, even as tears ran down her cheeks. “You don’t think another female like Furlata will come after me then? I don’t think she would’ve cared if I was pregnant or not, Wexxon. She wanted me dead. And we don’t even know if we are compatible and if I can get pregnant from you!”

“No one is allowed to touch you when you’re pregnant,” I explained as I wiped away her warm tears with my fingertips. “It’s part of the Xelxar code. It will be respected.”

“And where does attempted murder fall in the Xelxar code?”

“It is the reason I was able to slay Furlata,” I continued. “And it is the reason she will have no burial. She has been paid back for her crimes against you, against us.”

I pressed another kiss against Rachel’s forehead before I lifted her into my arms, soon carrying her frame away from the bed, not stopping until we reached where her robe had fallen onto the floor.

And after taking a moment to slide the robe’s fabric back onto her skin, I pulled her into my arms again as I carried her far, far away from my bedroom.

Chapter Six


I wasn’t going to survive this planet for too much longer.

It was something that I would’ve sworn that I could feel in the air, like there was a target on my back, like something was coming for me, scratching its way toward me, desperate to end my life.

Or maybe I was just having flashbacks to Furlata hovering over me in bed. I’d been woken up by the sound of her coming into the room, expecting it to be Wexxon stepping back into the bedroom. I’d even pathetically spread my thighs for him as I waited for him to round the corner, a part of me hoping that he was going to take me again, that he was going to fuck me until I was too tired to go on.

But once I saw Furlata’s figure in the doorway, I knew that nothing good was going to come of our encounter.

Unfortunately for me, and unfortunately for Furlata, too, I’d been right about my prediction. The last thing I ever saw of the woman was Wexxon running a sword through her chest, her blood dripping down onto me, covering my skin in a bright blue pattern. Even now, as I sat in my private bedroom AKA my new prison cell, I could still hear the way Furlata screamed in pain.

But it wasn’t

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