Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,18

the arena?”

“Rachel.” I smiled as I spoke. “My bride vanquished him by the river. He was going to kill her. I think he may have thought that she was a foreign spy of some sort.”

“Your bride killed one of the greatest warriors we have?” Aldvirion brought his hands to his waist as he shook his head. “You should be careful with that one, Wexxon. It seems she has a penchant for great destruction.”

“Yes, she does have a penchant for great destruction.” I smiled again as I spoke. “But all the best females so often do.”

I then turned to leave the main room as I offered Aldvirion a parting wave, soon heading back to my bed for the night.

“Wexxon! Wexxon!” Rachel was screaming my name almost as soon as I stepped into the bedroom.

But unlike the way she’d been screaming my name earlier in the night, it now sounded like she was in pain, like she was terrified. And as I hastily dashed across the room, my hand already pulling out the sword that’d been resting at my side, I had a million panicked thoughts swirling through my head, all at once.

I promised my little warrior that I was going to keep her safe.

What if I’d already broken that promise? What if someone had wounded her so badly that she couldn’t go on?

The thought of a life without my little warrior was too hard to bear. Even if we’d just met each other, Rachel Waters was still mine, and I didn’t know if I’d ever want another female again, not the way I’d wanted her right from the start.

When I reached the bedroom, I saw the source of Rachel’s fear and pain. There was a Xelxar female, Furlata, hovering over Rachel’s frame, her fingernails wet with small drops of blood. Furlata, while never being someone I would’ve ever considered as a wife, had spent more time underneath me than any other Xelxar female. I’d even given her one of the largest bedrooms in the castle as a token, wanting to gift her for being so accommodating even though I knew we’d never be anything more than temporary mating partners.

“Furlata!” I called out toward her with my sword steady in my grip. “Do not make me end your life.”

“This is the one you wanted to marry?” Furlata replied, and I couldn’t tell if she was laughing or crying. She then held up Rachel’s wrist, and I could tell that the blood had come from her mark. Although, strangely enough, the wound looked like it was fresh again, almost like Furlata had drawn her nails right through Rachel’s skin.

“You knew that I was never going to marry you,” I murmured. “That was never part of our arrangement.”

“That does not matter!” Furlata screeched. “How could you ever pick an exotic wife over a Xelxar female! Look at how eerily pale her skin is, Wexxon! Look at how ugly and small your creature is!”

Furlata hissed as she turned to look over at me. “Why not just keep her as a pet and take on a real female for your wife? I’ll even let you keep your little marks.”

“Furlata, move away from my wife,” I said, my voice stoic. “This is your final warning. Consider how happy you could be with a warrior like Aldvirion. Consider a life of warmth and children with a male who desires you so strongly—”

“That’s the thing we always liked about each other, Wexxon,” Furlata interrupted as a sickening smile crossed over her face. “We never like to settle for second place.”

After she spoke, Furlata raised her hand away from Rachel, as if she was about to strike.

But she never got the chance. My sword came down on Furlata’s shoulder, separating her arm from the rest of her body. And as she screamed in pain, I sliced at her again, this time sliding the blade deep into her chest, her blood soon dripping down onto the mattress, dripping down onto Rachel’s bare skin.

“Wexxon! Wexxon!” Rachel screamed for me again as she scrambled away from Furlata’s corpse. By the time Rachel was settled onto her feet, she was gasping and sobbing, her chest moving so erratically I was worried she was close to death herself.

“What the fuck! What the fuck!” Rachel sobbed as she grabbed for the end of one of the bedsheets, wiping Furlata’s blood off her skin. As she continued to wipe the blood away from her frame, Rachel crumpled down toward the floor, her hand still wiping even as

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