Wexxon the Great Alien Warrior - Juno Wells Page 0,20

just the pain that’d made her cry out. It must’ve been the betrayal, too.

It was obvious to me that Furlata loved Wexxon, even if he’d never loved her back. And it was even more obvious that her jealousy and fury had driven her to near madness, the kind of thing that made her seek me out in the night, made her slice a finger down my arm, made her want to kill me in front of the man she loved.

Was that going to happen to me, too?

Wexxon claimed that he wanted me, that I was his, but what if he’d told the same thing to Furlata? Sure, he may not have mentioned the word marriage, but how many women back on Earth were willing to wait around for a guy for decades before he was ready to pop the question?

I then leaned my head against the room’s large window, idly wondering how many times Wexxon had crept into Furlata’s bed, how many times she’d spread her legs for him before he’d even settled down beside her.


How many women had he been with, anyway? And how long until he got tired of the novelty of me, until he was annoyed by the fact that I couldn’t come twenty times for him, that he couldn’t fuck me without stretching me out first?

I wasn’t special to Wexxon. Not really.

And honestly, I was embarrassed that I’d even entertained the thought that I might’ve been, even if it was just for a second or two. I then wondered just how long it was going to be before Wexxon was back in another woman’s bed, or two, or three, or four, how long until I was just going to be his barefoot and pregnant wife, a trinket from Earth he kept around as some weird status symbol.


That was never going to happen to me.

I was never going to be Wexxon’s little kept woman, his little warrior that cried out for him because she didn’t know how to defend herself, the poor, weak girl he’d only climb into bed to fuck because he was bored or because she’d been begging for it. I would’ve never let myself end up like that back on Earth, and I saw no reason why I would ever resign myself to a life like that right now, either.

I then rose away from my spot at the window, even though I instantly missed the sun’s warmth against my skin. I was still wearing the robe from the church, its weight against my body feeling so much lighter than before.

I must’ve been getting used to the planet’s gravity.

Is that even possible, though?

I tried to think back on what I knew about planets and gravitational pulls, and my mind was coming up with a blank slate. I couldn’t put my attention on it, couldn’t focus.


What the fuck was happening to me?

“…Rachel?” A woman’s voice floated through the room.

And I looked over to see a stranger standing in the middle of the floor, rising fear shooting up through my frame. She was smaller than the usual Xelxar citizen, but for all I knew, that meant she was faster than the rest of them, and much handier with a knife.


Was this one here to kill me, too?

“Please, don’t,” I begged, already shaking my head and backing away. “I don’t…he doesn’t love me. He doesn’t…we just met, I swear—”

“I am not here to hurt you, Rachel.” The stranger offered me a kind smile. “My name is Palqeet. I am here to keep you company. I am to be your friend.”

“…My friend?” I was puzzled by the situation until a realization suddenly dawned on me. “Oh. Yes. My friend. You mean you’re meant to be my spy.”

“Spy?” Palqeet laughed, and the sound was light and inviting. “Wexxon the Great has no need to employ spies. If there were a traitor in our midst, he’d cut them down himself.”

“Are you a warrior, then, too?”

“Almost all of Xelxar are warriors,” she answered. “But if you mean to ask if I fight in the arena, I do not. The arena is reserved for those who desire to make a name for themselves, who desire to gain power.”

“It seems barbaric to me,” I murmured as I folded my arms across my chest. “Where I come from, if someone wants to be in charge, they run for political office and come up with a catchy slogan.”

“But is there any less blood?” Palqeet smirked as she asked the question.

And I regretfully shook my head in

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