The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,59

rounded slightly, then he shrugged. “So what? Alice told us to stop fighting the spell.”

“Yeah, but when the spell is gone, we’re going to be left with a whole lot of friends and family who think we’re a thing.”

“Is that so bad?”

“Them thinking we’re together?”

“No, I meant us being a thing.” He was smiling now, looking very pleased with himself.

“But we aren’t going to be a thing.”

“We could be.”

Did he really mean that? Of course he didn’t. It was just the spell talking. Once that was gone, he’d be back to the Titus she’d always known. The one who wanted nothing to do with her or any other woman. The one who thought she was totally annoying. “Titus, I don’t think we should make plans for a future we can’t see clearly.”

His smile faded, replaced by…sympathy? Is that what was in his eyes? “Jenna, are you still that afraid of being hurt?”

His words went deep. “Maybe I am. But can you blame me? Your words, actions, and feelings are spell-driven right now. So are mine. That’s no way to lay the groundwork for any kind of relationship. Not when the instant it goes away, we could be left with…nothing.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

She turned away from him, but there was no way to escape him while sitting in the booth. “Titus, I have come to like you, but—”

“You think you might not when the spell is dissolved? I’m still going to be the guy I am right now. That’s not going to change.”

He was silent for a moment, and when he spoke again, his voice was lower, softer, and filled with the kind of earnest emotion that tugged at her heart. “Things have been good between us. I thought something was genuinely developing. I didn’t realize you were just pretending.”

She closed her eyes as she put her head into her hands and rubbed her temples. “I’m not pretending. I’m as much a victim of the spell as you are. Can we just have some dinner and let this go? Seeing Ingvar has brought up some memories.” Memories of Eric and how shattered he’d left her. Made it hard for her to want to have much to do with love right now.

When Titus didn’t respond, she looked up.

He was gone.

Her stomach felt fine, so he hadn’t put much distance between them. She just couldn’t see him. She jumped up and scanned the restaurant.

Behind the bar, Bridget waved to catch Jenna’s attention. Once she had it, she pointed toward the street.

Jenna dropped some money on the table for the server’s time and headed out.

Titus was leaning by the door, looking for all the world like an immovable statue. A very handsome one. A very kissable one.

She stood next to him, shoulders squared, unwilling to back down. “I know you’re mad.”

“I’m not mad. I’m confused. And fed up.”

“I’m sorry. I’m confused and fed up too. I didn’t mean to take it out on you. But I don’t think it’s fair for us to get too deeply involved when it’s all going to go away when that spell is removed.” He wasn’t Eric. She knew that. And yet, memories of him had renewed her reluctance to get involved.

He finally turned his head to look at her. “Why would feelings that have already developed suddenly go away? You’re borrowing pain. I’d much rather borrow joy.”

She frowned at him.

He straightened. “What’s the worst that could happen if you took a chance on us?”

“I’d get hurt. Again.”

“And what’s the best that could happen?”

She knew what he was getting at. “My life would change.”

He smiled. “For the better, right?”

She nodded reluctantly. It was such a hard thing to imagine.

“So why not take a chance, valkyrie? Especially when the outcome could be more rewarding than anything you’ve ever done before?”

Titus studied Jenna’s beautiful face as she grappled with how to answer his question. He already knew the truth, but there was no way she’d admit it to him. She probably wouldn’t even admit it to herself.

She exhaled. “I’m scared.”

A feather could have knocked him over. The words he’d never imagined she’d say had just come out of her mouth. “Hey, it scares me too. The very idea of getting back into a relationship that could tear me apart again…”

He blew out a breath, then laughed. The sound was shaky. “It’s hard to willingly put yourself in a place that could end up bringing you pain. Especially when you’re like us. Used to winning and being on top. We’re not Copyright 2016 - 2024