The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,58

raked a hand through his hair, clearly frustrated. “I’ll do whatever you want me to do. But that doesn’t mean I’m going to like it.”

“Understood.” She squeezed his arm. “Thank you.”

He nodded. She got the sense that while he understood they were done talking about this in front of Ingvar, the conversation would be continued when they were alone. That was fine with her. He was allowed not to like how this was going, but the wraith came from her world. Getting rid of it would take magic from her world.

Titus would just have to find a way to be all right with that.

He shifted his gaze to Ingvar. “How do you think it is that the wraith came to build and set that magic bomb? Can a wraith work that kind of magic? Do berserkers have that level of skill?”

“No,” Jenna said. She should have told him that.

Ingvar frowned. “Not even remotely. He must have found someone in the dark realm to help him. A witch who took pity on him. Or more likely, one he promised great riches to once he was made mortal again. Who knows? Maybe he even promised her power. Or something else she wanted.”

“Great,” Titus said. “Someone else to worry about.”

“No,” Ingvar said. “I don’t think so. That deal would be between Leif and whoever he got to help him. It’s not something we have to be concerned about.”

“Good,” Jenna said. She smiled broadly, eager to move things forward, and picked up a menu. “Should we order while we keep talking? It is dinnertime, and they have great food here.”

Ingvar shook her head. “I should go. I have a lot of preparation ahead of me.”

Jenna put the menu down. “But we haven’t discussed what’s going to happen. Or where. Or when.”

Ingvar took a breath. She looked very tired. Jenna’s heart went out to her. Was she really capable of helping them with this? “As for how, we’ll do it the same way we always did when we were in service. As for where… Where did you see the wraith last?”

“In the attic of the house that’s for sale,” Titus answered. “Same place the bomb went off.”

Ingvar pondered that. “Where else?”

“In the forest,” Jenna offered. “Behind where Titus lives.”

Ingvar nodded. “That’s better. Open space, without the remnants of human energy. I can work there. Harvest the forces of nature to do my work. Tomorrow evening. I can be ready by then. Text me the address, and I will come to you. Now, I must rest for the work ahead.”

Jenna didn’t like the sound of that. “You could take some food with you. A veggie burger or a salad—”

Ingvar smiled. “I’ll eat later. I need to rest first. I’ll talk to you soon.” She glanced at Titus, giving him a nod. “Until tomorrow.”

He nodded back. “Tomorrow.”

She left, and Jenna sighed as she walked away. “I know you don’t like this.”

“No, I don’t. But then, with the way I feel about you, did you expect me to?”

She gave him a weak but understanding smile. “Hopefully by tomorrow night, you won’t feel that way anymore.”

He looked so conflicted. “You really think Ingvar can do what Alice can’t?”

“I think Alice could absolutely do it, if she had more time. But Ingvar’s been training in the ways of the seer for years now. And while dealing with the wraith isn’t going to be easy, she’s done it before. We’ve done it together. There aren’t two people more suited to do this.”

He nodded. “I suppose that’s true. Do you think we should get Alice involved? Maybe to back you guys up?”

Jenna tipped her head and did her best to keep her tone light and amused. “Did you hear any of the conversation that just took place? What part of adding another person seems like a good idea to you?”

He sighed. “It was just a thought.” He sighed. “You really trust Ingvar?”

“With my life.” She smiled at him. “It’s going to be okay. Ingvar is really good at what she does. As seers go, she’s Alice-level good. I promise. I’m not exactly a slouch either.”

He looked at her, deep into her eyes. Slowly, as she stared back, his took on the wolfy gleam she’d come to recognize as an increase in his emotions.

He leaned in and kissed her. Just a brush of his lips against hers. “Okay.”

She was shocked by what had just happened. “You, uh, just kissed me. In public. In Howler’s. There’s no way your sister didn’t see that.”

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