The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,57

you’re coming to stay with me at my house. For as long as you want.”

Something flickered in Ingvar’s eyes, a brief moment of unreadable emotion. Then she smiled. “That sounds perfect.”

Titus cleared his throat softly. “What do you need us to do?”

Ingvar looked at him. “Nothing. That is, your help is not needed for this, wolf.”

His eyes narrowed. “I want to help. Besides, Jenna and I can’t be more than a hundred feet apart, so if I’m going to be there, you might as well put me to use.”

Jenna smiled. “He’s right. We might as well include him.”

Ingvar seemed unconvinced. “Jenna told me Leif seems afraid of you, that you’ve scared him off twice now while in your animal form. I believe that’s because he was a wolf warrior. It’s very possible he thinks you’ve come to chase him from the mortal realm.”

“A wolf warrior?” Titus asked.

Jenna nodded. “Most berserkers recognize the bear as their sacred animal, but there were others who chose the boar or the wolf. Leif’s alignment as a wolf warrior would absolutely explain why he fears you. To him, you’re the symbol of loyalty, stout-heartedness, devotion to the cause. Everything he should be, but also everything he turned his back on to follow the path of personal glory.”

Titus nodded. “Okay, I understand that. How about if I don’t shift?”

Ingvar sipped her water. “I suppose that would be all right. Also, you’d need to stay as far away as you can. We can’t risk scaring him off. Once he knows what we’re doing, we won’t get a second chance.”

Titus frowned, clearly unhappy with that option. “Fine.”

He didn’t sound fine with it to Jenna, but she let it go. He’d be there, that was going to have to be enough. She smiled at Ingvar, trying to cut through the tension a little. “I can get Tessa to be there too. Can’t hurt to have another valkyrie when we’re dealing with a wraith.”

“No.” Ingvar shook her head, causing her feather earrings to tremble. “Leif wants you and you alone. Even I’m going to stay hidden until things are set in place. I don’t think you understand what a fine line we’re walking here. If we scare him off, he’ll be wise to our plan. He’ll only end up biding his time until he’s strong enough to take your sword without much effort.”

Jenna let out a frustrated sigh. “So it’s just going to be me against him? I don’t like those odds.”

Titus growled softly. “Neither do I.”

Ingvar glared at both of them, anger flashing in her eyes. “You think I do? You have to trust me. Trust the runes I will cast for your protection. I haven’t spent years in study, trading my health for knowledge, to let my friend be hurt.”

This time, Jenna took Ingvar’s hand. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to imply I think you aren’t capable or that I don’t trust you. I just know how powerful a wraith can be. Facing one alone is not going to be a picnic.”

Ingvar’s anger turned to sincerity. “But you won’t be alone. I’m going to pour everything I have into the runes I cast for you. This is how we’ve always done it. A valkyrie and a seer.”

Jenna nodded. “I know. But this is the first time a wraith has wanted to kill me.”

Ingvar bent her head slightly. “Odin’s protection will be with you.”

Titus made a little growl. “I’d rather she have my protection.”

Ingvar’s glance held some bitterness. “You may not believe in or understand our ways, wolf, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t powerful.”

He sighed. “I didn’t mean to imply—listen, I’ve lived in this town long enough to know that all kinds of magic can work in all kinds of situations. That’s not what I have a problem with here. It’s leaving Jenna vulnerable when it doesn’t have to be that way.”

Ingvar’s expression softened slightly. “And I’m telling you that for us to have the best chance at taking this wraith down, it does.”

Jenna put her hand on his arm. “You’re only going to be a hundred feet away. Less than that, probably. If I need you, you can be there in seconds.”

“And what if seconds make all the difference? Do you know everything that wraith is capable of?”

She hesitated, because the truth was hard to put into words. “No one does, really. Each wraith is a little different. Stronger in some areas, capable of different things.”

“If you’re trying to make me feel better, it’s not working.” He Copyright 2016 - 2024