The Werewolf Dates The Deputy - Kristen Painter Page 0,60

the kind of people who lie down and let the world walk over us.”

“No, we’re not.” She watched a couple of kids in Halloween costumes skip by with their parents. “But it’s not just getting hurt. It’s…” She seemed to be searching for the right words. “If things go badly between us, yes, I’d lose you as a friend.”

She thought of him as a friend. If that wasn’t progress, he didn’t know what was. “There’s every chance that won’t happen. Especially if we don’t want it to.”

She frowned and looked up through her eyelashes at him. “Titus, be real. Have you ever stayed friends with an ex? Especially one who broke your heart?”

He hadn’t talked to Zoe since the day she’d left Georgia. “Point taken.”

“And it’s not like we could avoid each other all that well. This is a small town, and we’re both first responders. We’re at the same events a lot. We show up at the same calls.” She gestured toward Howler’s. “We eat at the same places. For crying out loud, I work for your brother and see your aunt on a daily basis.”

“All true.” He stepped a little closer. Her blue eyes were lit up like diamonds. She was so perfectly beautiful it made his heart hurt. “So there’s risk involved. I’ll give you that. What good thing in life doesn’t involve some risk? But how about this: What if it’s all worth it?”

She stared at him, her internal struggle visible in her gaze. “I know,” she said quietly. “Then all of my fears were pointless and I kept myself from having something good.”

He took her hands in his. “Focus on the reward. The reward is huge. I mean, you get me.”

She laughed, which was exactly the response he’d hoped for. “You’re so full of yourself, Merrow. It’s one of the things I love about you.”

The words she’d just spoken seemed to register a second after they’d come out of her mouth. Her lips parted in a soft gasp. “I didn’t mean…”

“Yes, you did.” He brushed a strand of hair off her forehead. “You love me. Just like I love you. It’s probably all the spell’s doing right now, and that’s okay. We’ll soon see if it’s real or not. But Alice told us to stop fighting it. How about for what might be our last night under the influence, we give in and let go and see what happens?”

“You’re asking a lot.”

“One night. That’s not so much.”

Her brows arched with the skepticism he’d come to expect. “What exactly are you proposing with this one night?”

“Oh, I’m talking about the big D.” Grinning, he tugged her back toward Howler’s. “A date. You know, dinner, maybe some ice cream after, along with a stroll through town enjoying the evening air, doing a little window-shopping. Holding hands. What couples all over the world do when they’re out together.”

She was smiling now. “We do need to eat.”

“See? Fun and practical. Come on, Blythe, you know you want to. We can even sit on the same side of the booth again.” He’d liked that. Being close to her was nice.

She gave in, no longer resisting his attempt to move her. “All right. I’m in. But how about we don’t eat at the restaurant your sister owns? Not that I don’t like Howler’s, but it’s sort of home-court advantage for you. Plus, you know Bridget will probably be texting Birdie updates every five minutes. That’s if Birdie doesn’t show up before our drinks arrive.”

He stopped in his tracks. “Yeah, that’s true.” And neither of them needed the added pressure of being watched by his family. “So where do you want to go?”

Her mouth pursed coyly. “Somewhere else.”

She wanted him to make the decisions. His idea, his plan. And if it all went south, he’d have to take the blame. Fine. But tonight was going to be great. He’d show her just how perfect things could be for them as a couple. “We aren’t dressed for anything fancy. How about barbecue, then? Big Daddy Bones. You said I should try it.”

“I did. Okay, let’s go.”

Twilight was fast approaching, dinner was in full swing, and the place was packed, meaning there would be a wait even for the outdoor seating, which was primarily what the restaurant had. But the smoky goodness permeating the air made both of their stomachs growl.

Jenna put her hand on her belly. “I don’t know if I can wait. I’m starving all of a sudden. I really want barbecue, Copyright 2016 - 2024