The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,6

mother said, “It’s nothing compared to what some people do to make a fortune. You wouldn’t believe some of the things we hear. Did you hear about the flying squirrels racket?”

Dad said, “She’s talking about the time travel, Paige.”

“Oh, sure, well, what I’m saying is that nothing surprises me anymore.”

“Time travel isn’t that outlandish, it’s proven fact. I saw a YouTube video just the other day — Paige, remember that YouTube video?”

“You saw that on Facebook.”

I rolled my eyes so hard I thought I might knock something loose.

“It doesn’t really matter though, does it, but yes, now I remember, David sent it. It was about a time traveler. True story, he landed on the streets of New York and was killed dead by an oncoming taxi cab.” I heard Dad smack his hands together. “Inside his pocket, there was a gold coin. This is all proven fact. No one wants to talk about it, because it blows apart the whole time-space continuum.”

I was a second away from arguing that there were no proven facts in that whole story, but then again, I was a proven time-traveling fact. I would just be ‘arguing to argue’ as my mom liked to say.

Instead, I said, “I just want to thank you both, for everything, for helping to take care of the kids, for helping Emma with the business. I know you had to take a leap of faith, and that was a big step. I really appreciate it.”

Mom said, “You’re very welcome dear.”

Dad said, “About Thanksgiving—”

I said, “I can’t really leave the house. I don’t think Isla will want to go with me and I don’t want to leave her…”

Mom said, “That’s just as well, your father and I have been invited over to the Shelby’s for the meal. We didn’t know you’d be home. Do you want to go Black Friday shopping?”

I rolled my eyes again. “No thanks, Mom, I should probably hang out with the kids. I really want to be home. It’s been so long.”

“Of course, your father and I can’t wait to hear all about it. How was the weather?”

“Well, um, it was cold a lot of the time. It rained a lot. It was a whole year, so we had all the weather.” She seemed oblivious to where I actually had been. I knew she had been told all the basics, as if she hadn’t let it sink in. For fun I added, “We had lovely weather when we were visiting Mary of Guise at Stirling Castle.”

There was a pause. Mom asked, “You were at a castle? Was it grand? Did you see the… um, the king?”

“It was grand, yes, Queen Mary was living in France at the time, she was about to marry the Dauphin — you know what, I’ll tell you all about it when I see you.”

“We’ll set aside time,” said Dad.

Mom said, “We have photos to show you too, we’ve been on three cruises this year. So much to tell you about.”

We hung up and I sat on the couch staring down at Isla, just blank, just absorbing her sweet scent and the warmness of her little sleeping body.

She woke up, squiggles and wiggles. She opened her eyes gazing up at me for a long moment.

In that peaceful moment, breathing, and gazing at her, I felt remembered. “Hi, beautiful.”

The front door opened and Zach and Emma struggled in some groceries. Isla slid off my lap, “Mama!” and toddled over to meet Emma in the kitchen.

That was fine. I was okay with that. No worries.

Yesterday this had all seemed insurmountable, but here we were, next day, and already I could feel us coming together.

Emma dropped her bags and looked frazzled though, so I jumped up to help. “Hey, let me put away groceries, you sit down.”

“Thank you, I need to nurse Zoe, and to…” She glanced at Isla, on her hip, clutching her shoulder.

“It’s okay, you can say it. I just had a long sit with her. It’s okay, spend some time. She wants you. It’s okay.”

And it was. And I didn’t cry. Not really.

Four - Kaitlyn

Day One Some More...

After we helped Zach put away the groceries, James showed up.

I asked, “Can’t get enough of us?”

He hugged me tight. “Missed you and Mags while you were away, it’s boring in fish town without your high drama.”

“Fraoch took Magnus to the docks with Ben and Archie, want to ride over with me? All the boys are there.”

Zach called from the kitchen, “I’m not a boy?”

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