The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,5

best friend since I was six years old.” I gave her a sad frown smile. “This is a lot more Lady Mairead’s fault than yours, but I’m not going to blame her either. I’m a grown up. If I live in anger my life is going to fall apart. I don’t want falling apart. I want strength and togetherness. I fell apart pretty good back there in Scotland; Magnus and I had to build each other back up. No anger. No blame. I love you.”

“I’ve been so scared you wouldn’t forgive me.”

Magnus asked, “When ye talked tae Lady Mairead were ye tryin’ tae help us?”

She nodded.

Magnus leaned across the table and patted the back of her hand. “Ye met m’mother on the battlefield and she was nae fair in her dealings. She does that when she is worried and daena ken what tae do. I daena mean tae tell ye she is blameless, she carries a great deal of the blame, but also…”

He put a hand on Isla’s back and smiled when he spoke to me. “We are home, mo reul-iuil. Like you, I canna hold the blame inside. I canna lash out in anger, I am too relieved. Lady Mairead brought us home. Our family and friends kept our bairn safe. Fraoch and Quentin risked their lives. Young Zoe Greene has been born. Tae believe it was unfair is tae suffer. Tae believe that we have grown in strength and love tae get home, that is where our happiness will dwell. So daena worry on it, Madame Hayley.”

I said, “You can buy us a beer and we’ll call it even.”

Hayley said, “Thank you. I’ve been so…” She sighed. “So worried.”

“Well, that is truthfully a sucky thing. I’m sorry that you’ve had guilt to deal with. You can’t blame yourself for anything Lady Mairead does, you know this. She is Lady MacBitchface, a self-righteous bitch. But look at this,” I looked down at Isla, her wee little lashes against her round cheek. “Who can maintain their fury with this little girl in their arms?”


“But maybe never talk to Lady Mairead again, just to be safe.”

“Done, and Quentin warned me.”

Magnus said, “She likes him, yet Colonel Quentin still kens she is dangerous in her dealings.”

“I’ve learned my lesson,” said Hayley.

I said, “Good, I’m glad the big talk is over—”

“There’s one more thing.”

I dropped my head back in my chair. “Seriously, Hayley? I’m going to take the beer idea back and make it a whole keg.”

She glanced at Fraoch. “Lady Mairead gave Fraoch a piece of paper with what I assume is Fraoch’s mother’s name on it.”

I sighed overly dramatically, because every word I could think of to say seemed useless.

Hayley added, “Apparently she’s alive.”

“And Lady Mairead knows her?”

“Yep, or of her, or… I don’t know. It’s just a name. I wish there was more of an explanation.”

Magnus said, “I will ask her tae give us more information when I see her next.”

Fraoch said, “Og Maggy, I would prefer if ye dinna, I daena want tae ken of her.”

Hayley said, “What Fraoch means is we don’t believe we need to know. Less drama.”

I joked, staring up at the ceiling, “Definitely don’t want any drama.”

Fraoch said, “Aye, I daena want to be surprised, or tae hae m’life… I daena want tae hae my life disrupted.”

Hayley said, “I agree.”

Magnus nodded. “I winna ask about it then. I am sure Lady Mairead will give us more information if she deems it important.”

“Thank ye, Og Maggy.”

I said, “Now are we finished? I need to make a list. I have to call my parents, help plan Thanksgiving tomorrow, but first I have to sit on the couch while this baby sleeps.”

Fraoch asked, “There will be a braw feast on the morrow?”

Hayley said, “Thanksgiving, the biggest, grandest, most amazing feast you’ve ever seen.”

Three - Kaitlyn

More Day One

I called my parents. They were so thrilled I was home, that they both got on the phone. Mom said, “I want you to understand, I do not condone that you kept the traveling a secret from your money manager. How are we to run this business, without all the facts?”

My father said, “Think of us as your board of directors — without knowing certain information about your carrying-on, it might have put your fortune at risk. Left you wide open to charges of fraud.”

“Dad, I had literally no way of knowing you and mom would take time travel in stride. I thought you would completely freak out. This is crazy talk.”

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