The Wellspring (Kaitlyn and the Highlander #12) - Diana Knightley Page 0,7

a boy, you’re the chef,” I teased.

As James and I walked out to his truck, he pointed at the Mustang. “Your car is too old Katie, you gotta trade it in. We’ve been driving it, keeping it running, but it’s time to get something better.”

“I don’t really want to think about it, it’s been with me since the beginning.” I stopped in front of his vehicle. “This is yours?”

“After Zach hit that mailbox the old one’s days were numbered.”

I dramatically groaned as I climbed in. “Is it bigger? I feel like it’s bigger.”

“Nah, same size, you’ve just been on a horse for so long you forgot what a proper truck feels like.” He pulled it from the driveway. “You know, I helped Mags buy the Mustang. If you think about it, half of this was my doing.”

“Half of it?” I scoffed. “A tiny bit, I’ll give you that. How long did you last in Scotland?”

“About two more weeks.”

“Ah, what happened?”

He exhaled. “Nothing much, just little things — when everyone else was gone, I went on a hunt with Sean and the boys. It was a lot like going out with a bunch of guys here but... dude, they have so many fucking weapons. They drink all the damn time. I couldn’t understand half of what they were saying.”

“I get it, it can be a lot. Quentin felt the same way.”

“I mean, if Mags is there, when we’re all there, it’s better.”

“Kind of like being on a team, huh?”

“Yeah... kind of like that.”

“You been dating?”

“Yeah, but nothing’s sticking. The funny thing is, I miss Scotland now. Riding horses, eating in the Great Hall, even the food—”

“You’re kidding right? You miss the food?”

“Nah, but still, there’s a lot to miss.”

We pulled up near the dock. The Florida weather was overcast and cool. The marsh carried a scent of fresh seafood with an undercurrent of mud and decay. The boys were throwing sticks into the water on one side of the dock and running to the other side to watch the stick appear again.

Fraoch and Magnus were sitting at the front of the boat. Magnus waved as we climbed down from the truck.

James gestured with his head chuckling. “What do you think they’re talking about?”

“I think Fraoch is telling Magnus how to drive the boat.”

“Now that is something I want to hear.”

Fraoch was indeed explaining how to drive the boat, and Magnus had a look on his face that was concentration combined with fury. He did not like Fraoch explaining things. Or James for that matter.

Ever since he had first arrived here he had needed everything explained to him, and still… Fraoch had beaten him to this.

They decided to go for a little cruise around the marsh: Fraoch would drive, then Magnus. We put the life-preservers on the boys and I sat with Archie and Ben on the wide seat in the back.

James slid the boat away from the dock and then Fraoch took over. It was important to him, you could tell. He drove us out into the middle of the marsh where, he pointed out, the best fishing was. Magnus’s expression clouded. He looked nervous.

Then Fraoch got the boat really moving, the wind blowing through our hair, the boys looking a little excited, bordering on freaked out. Magnus glanced back and smiled a big wide smile, setting Archie and Ben at ease. “Dost ye ken, I was first in a boat when I was a wee’un, Archie and Ben? But where I come from mountains ring the loch. They are verra tall. When ye are out in the loch, tis as if ye are wee and alone in a big land. Tis as if ye belong tae the mountains. But here the land is low…” He stood and gestured for the boys to join him.

Archie and Ben stood wearing their life preservers at the side of the boat looking out on the horizon like wee men. Magnus said, “In this land we are big and tall, we can look out over all the land, as if it all belongs tae us.”

Then Fraoch changed places with Magnus. James explained, “When you press the throttle forward it sticks, be ready for that.”

Magnus took the wheel.

I called the boys to join me again.

James gave Magnus some instructions and then Magnus pushed down the throttle and the front of the boat rose in the air as it leapt forward with a roar. I squealed and held onto the boys. Magnus said, “Och, I dinna mean Copyright 2016 - 2024