The Virtuous Ward - By Karla Darcy Page 0,21

to the employment agencies but, without a letter I have little hope of securing a position."

Once more her chin began to tremble and Amity's heart went out to the girl. Since her arrival in London she had seen many areas of the city where the poor subsisted in filth and squalor. The thought that the neat little figure beside her should be reduced to such circumstances forced her to take charge.

"Then you shall come and be my abigail," she said.

"You're bamming me," Betta blurted out in astonishment.

"I'm not," Amity said. Her voice was serious as she turned to the girl. "I have a need for a new abigail. Emily has been taking care of me but she doesn't half like the job."

"Are you that sorry a mistress?" Betta asked.

"I will admit that I am ever so crabby in the morning but it is not for that Emily wants to return to the kitchens. She is walking out with one of the footmen and she says she never gets a chance to see him now that she spends so much time in my room. When she was a parlor maid, she could slip off to the kitchen whenever he was near." The more Amity thought about the idea of Betta as her abigail the more enthusiastic she became. "There is not a lot to do for me and I would be ever so pleased to have someone I could talk to."

Betta's face was expressionless as her huge eyes scanned Amity. It was evident the girl was sincere and she truly was in desperate straights but more than that there was an appeal behind the words which inclined Betta to accept the position without question. Her wide mouth pulled in a grin and she nodded her head in agreement.

"You are quite the answer to my prayers, Betta," Amity said, hugging the girl. "I have made a sad muddle of my life since I came to London."

Briefly Amity explained about Honoria and the folly of her wardrobe while Betta listened wide-eyed. Although Amity was mystified by the betrayal, the servant had little difficulty guessing that it was a simple matter of jealousy. She had already taken in the potential beauty of her new mistress and could well imagine the other young lady feeling threatened. She kept her opinion to herself, recognizing a sweet naiveté in Amity that she had no desire to despoil. There was time enough for her mistress to discover the many evils in the world.

"Will your guardian approve of your choice?" Betta asked her tone hesitant.

"He will be so busy with the details for the ball this evening that he will agree to anything." Amity chuckled. "He's been wearing a black scowl since the caterers and florists arrived and yesterday in desperation he abandoned the house for the sanctity of his club. Lady Grassmere is little help and although I have offered to be of assistance, the butler and the housekeeper have things well in train."

Reminded of the ball, Amity shivered as she thought about the dress she must wear tonight. As if they had been friends for many years, Betta assured her that between the two of them they ought to be able to figure out something to make the gown appear more suitable. Perhaps after all the dress might not be such a disaster. Much in charity with each other, the girls awakened the dog and hurried back to the townhouse. Putnam awaited her arrival and with a cautionary air warned her that Lord Max was awaiting her in the library. Amity introduced Betta and turned her new abigail over to the butler, then straightening her bonnet and brushing out her skirts, she hurried up the stairs and along the hall to the library. Opening the door, she peeped around the edge of the door.

The library was her favorite room in the townhouse. It was a large room with shelves of books on three sides, rising to the painted representations of the constellations on the ornate ceiling. The fourth wall held a charming window seat within the bow window and looked out on the walled garden with the mews behind. Max was seated in a deep leather chair behind an enormous mahogany desk. As if he sensed her presence, his head jerked up and he pierced her with his sharp green gaze.

"Devil take it, Amity! Where have you been?" Max shouted.

"I-I," she stammered in surprise at her guardian's furious expression.

"Don't just stand there like some gapeseed," he snapped. Copyright 2016 - 2024