The Virtuous Ward - By Karla Darcy Page 0,22

"What have you to say for yourself? It is my understanding that you and that ill-kempt beast of yours were gallivanting around town with no attendants. May I remind you that in London it takes little to give the old tabbies a disgust of you. Your reputation could be in shreds after just such an escapade."

"I'm sorry, Max, but...." Amity began but was cut off by her guardian.

"You are a hurly-burly girl. Just look at you. Your hair is flying about your face like some tousled baggage."

Max was astounded at the extent of his anger. He had sent for her after breakfast and was stunned to discover that she was nowhere to be found. He had been pacing the library ever since, all too aware of the dangers that could befall an innocent young girl and now she had the unmitigated gall to bounce into the room, cheeks flushed and hair spilling around her face in riotous curls like a veritable hoyden. The wide clear blue of her eyes held a wounded look that that served to exacerbated his annoyance. He glared at her and she had the grace to flush and dip her head in embarrassment.

"Have you any excuse for such behavior?" Max asked, his voice a thin stream of ice.

Amity peeked through her lowered lashes. Although he was still angry, the worst of his temper seemed to have been expelled. Perhaps this was not the best of times to approach the subject of her abigail but she suspected that he had given her enough of an opening that she could not afford to let it pass.

"I realize, sir, that my behavior appears unbecoming but I was on a particular errand this morning. You see, I have need of a new abigail," she ventured.

"You went out on the street to find a servant." The words were laced with sarcasm and Amity could see the muscles in his jaw tighten in returning anger.

"Oh no, milord. Honoria told me there were agencies that handled the employment of servants."

Amity did not feel that the mention of the woman's name was unfair. She did recall that they had spoken of various household problems and it was altogether possible that their discussion had included the hiring of servants. In any event, she hoped Max would not question her for specifics. She could see that the mention of the most correct Miss Waterston did much to alleviate her guardian's temper. For the first time that day, Amity felt grateful to Honoria.

"But, my girl, the butler should have applied to the agency."

Max sat down behind his desk, indicating that Amity should sit across from him. He rubbed a hand over his forehead, wondering how many other things he had failed to warn the impetuous child about. She had no concept of the dangers that lurked about the London streets. He stared into her clear blue eyes and wondered what it must be like to be so trusting of the world. On the one hand, he wanted to warn her but in the same breath he did not want to do anything to spoil her view of the world. He must protect her until he found a suitable parti, one he could entrust the girl to without fear she would come to harm.

"Now, Amity, perhaps you would be good enough to explain about the abigail."

In as few words as she could manage she outlined her need for an abigail and her success in discovering one she thought quite suitable. She tried to stick as close to the truth as she could and must have succeeded for at the end Max nodded his agreement.

"Kennicut's Employment Register is quite reputable. And this Betta came well recommended?" Max asked.

"She had been abigail to a banker's wife for several years," Amity evaded, then hurried on before he could question her further. "But more to the point, sir, the girl is well spoken and very eager to please. I liked her mightily."

"I wish you had come to me before you plunged into such a situation. However I do applaud your attempt to handle your own affairs," Max said, wishing to be fair. He was unwilling to capitulate entirely to Amity's outrageous adventure. She needed to learn that there was a proper way to do things. "My suggestion would be to try her for the week. If at the end of that time, we are both"-he stressed the word-"satisfied, she will remain."

Amity's face beamed with pleasure and she leaped up, clapping her hands Copyright 2016 - 2024