The Virtuous Ward - By Karla Darcy Page 0,20

Betta, for insulting you with such missish behavior but it was the surprise of your words," Amity said.

"It's of no mind, Miss Amity. I'd be happy to explain if you would care to listen." At Amity's quick nod, she continued, "I was abigail to Mistress Euphemia Teasdale. Her husband is in banking and she felt her social position required a body servant. I worked for her for two years. She was not too difficult a mistress."

Betta's brief words gave Amity a picture of a bleak existence in the household of a nouveau riche cit. Now that she had a chance to look more carefully, she could see that Betta was a well-spoken servant with the clean look of a country girl. She had a long face, rather plain but set off by warm brown eyes. Her black bombazine dress was neat and her brown hair was tucked beneath a spotless mobcap. There was a crisp, no nonsense air about the girl that Amity liked.

"Two days ago Mistress Teasdale attended a party without her husband. I had it from the parlor maid who is stepping out with the coachman that it was a gambling party." Betta made a moue of disapproval, sighed and then continued with her story. "She was very late in getting home and seemed overset. I helped her into her night things, put away her jewelry and then, since she seemed so distraught, brought her a cup of warm milk. She dismissed me and I hurried to bed, knowing I would have to be up in less than five hours."

Betta paused and stared at the bushes on the far side of the path. Her forehead was lined in puzzlement and her fingers pulled at the handkerchief in her lap. For a moment her chin quivered and Amity leaned forward and placed her own hand on top of the girl's in encouragement.

"Yesterday I was woken with a powerful commotion. Sarah, the cook, was shaking me and told me the mistress was screaming her head off. I hurried into my clothes and ran to her room to see her raise her finger to point at me in fury." Betta's face whitened at the memory of the terrible scene and she squeezed Amity's hand for courage. "Banker Teasdale was there and Mistress Teasdale was sobbing and tearing her hair. She called me terrible names and accused me of stealing her diamond bracelet."

"That is the outside of enough!" Amity declared, furious at the injustice done to her new friend. "Surely you explained you had not done any such thing."

Betta smiled at the girl's immediate defense. "I tried to but she would not listen. She kept calling me a sly, deceitful girl and turned me out without a letter of recommendation."

"The ungrateful woman!" Amity jumped to her feet in her agitation. Having been involved in the running of Beech House she was well aware of the impossibility of finding a job without a character. Whirling around, she faced Betta, glaring at the girl. "And I hope you told her so."

For the first time since they began talking, Betta's face broke into a genuine smile of enjoyment. She began to laugh until tears stood in her eyes while Amity continued to stare down at her. Finally she too realized the humor in the situation and sat back down, joining the other girl in laughter.

Betta wiped her streaming eyes. "With your red hair and your flashing eyes, you reminded me of an angry cock me mum used to keep."

"What happened to him?"

"We ate him."

At the words the girls once more fell into laughter. Muffin raised his head, staring at them through sleepy eyes, then snuffling in disgust, he slumped back on the grass.

"You have made me feel so much better," Betta said, patting Amity's arm when she could control her giggles.

"I'm glad for that," Amity said. "But what do you suppose did happen to the bracelet?"

Betta's long face turned serious. "I have thought and thought and I think I have discovered the answer. I do not recall seeing the bracelet when I put away the jewelry. I think Mistress Teasdale wagered the bracelet at the gambling party. As I mentioned earlier, she was very agitated when she returned. She kept wringing her hands and staring at the door connecting to her husband's suite of rooms. I think she decided to claim it was stolen rather than admit she had lost it gambling."

"What will you do now, Betta?" Amity asked.

"I spent the rest of yesterday going Copyright 2016 - 2024