The Varsity Dad Dilemma - Lex Martin Page 0,50

able to spend time together like we did last weekend, order pizza and catch up some more, but that’s not happening. Between his classes, practices, shuttling Poppy between babysitters, and homework, I’m surprised he has time to sleep.

I should be glad for that.

He said it himself. We’re just friends.

If I’m disappointed, it’s only because my expectations got the best of me. Once again.

Cars start pulling out of his driveway.

“Guess I should go.” He kisses Poppy on her forehead, and she makes a sound of contentment. She kisses him back but ends up slobbering all over his cheek until he laughs. “Be a good girl, okay? Don’t give Gabs trouble at naptime.”

He’s standing so close, I get a good whiff of his shampoo or body wash. Whatever it is, it smells masculine and clean, and I’d like to rub my face against his chest.

I don’t, obviously.

“Kick Oklahoma’s ass.” I look up at him, and when our eyes connect, electricity runs through my limbs. My heart thumps hard in my chest.

“Call me if you need anything,” he says.

It isn’t until he speaks that I realize I’m staring at his lips.

“We’ll be fine. Go.”

Before I scale you like Mount Everest.

Stepping away, I take a breath, and then another. When I shut the door behind him, I collapse back against it while Poppy clings to me.

I look up to find Sienna staring at me.

“Holy shit. I almost got pregnant watching you two just now. I’ll be right back. Gonna go take my birth control.”

She’s convinced Rider and I are going to end up naked together. As tempting as that sounds, I’m not sure I could handle one of Rider’s drive-bys. If we have sex, I’ll get attached and get my heart broken all over again.

If Rider was overwhelmed when he became the starting quarterback, there’s no way he has time for a girlfriend—or even wants one—now that he has a daughter. I’m going to spare myself this time around and take him at his word.

It’s possible he did me a favor by breaking things off when he did. If we’d slept together and then gone our separate ways, I would’ve been devastated, more than I already was.

Because this sexy single dad version of Rider Kingston has heartbreak written all over him, and I have no plans to become his next victim.



With a groan, I stretch on my belly until I can reach that last splat of apple sauce under the kitchen table. I’m on my hands and knees, about to get up, when another spoonful lands by me.

“Sienna, we’re supposed to get the food in her mouth. I swear most of it’s on the floor. Remind me again why I thought this was a good idea.”

“You said having a fuller tummy might help her sleep better tonight. Or it’ll give her the shits. It’s a toss-up.”

Ugh, please let her sleep well tonight.

“I think Rider overestimated how much she’ll eat this weekend.” I showcase the pyramid of organic baby food jars on the counter with a sweep of my arm.

“He’s too stinking cute is what he is.” She gives me a wink, and I roll my eyes. Sienna is clearly on Team Rider. After wiping the table one more time, she looks down at Poppy, who’s strapped in her car seat since we don’t have a high chair yet. “Speaking of cute, all the guys in their letterman jackets? Swoo-oon! Am I right, Poppy, or am I right?”

Reacting to the excitement in Sienna’s voice, Poppy claps her hands, spattering apple sauce all over the place again. Jesus, take the wheel.

Although we wrapped a towel around her, Poppy is covered, and I mean covered in baby food.

Sienna bumps me with her elbow. “You should send him a pic of her like this.”

“Good idea.” I wash my hands and grab my phone. “Poppers, hey! Smile for me! We’re gonna send a photo to Daddy, and he’ll be so happy to see you.” Sienna and I hop around the kitchen like fools, trying to make the baby grin.

An hour later, she’s clean, changed, and sound asleep. Sienna and I collapse on the couch in a heap of exhaustion. I was going to try making custard-filled churros, but I’m too wiped out.

She groans. “How am I this tired? It’s only seven. We’re supposed to wear her out, not the other way around.”

Yawning, I reach for my cup of coffee. “No clue, but I need to find the energy to do this assignment tonight.” At least it’s a topic I’ll Copyright 2016 - 2024