The Varsity Dad Dilemma - Lex Martin Page 0,51

enjoy—how Lucy Honeychurch’s environment influenced her to fall in love with George Emerson in A Room with a View.

“You have superpowers. If anyone can get it done, you can.”

“Thanks.” I smile at my roommate.

“Here.” She hands me this little brown bottle. “It’s for concentration.”

I read the ingredients. Coconut oil. Peppermint. Clementine. Basil. A few other extracts.

“They’re essential oils. Rub it on your palms and then breathe deeply into your hands like this.” She demonstrates what she means.

I give it a try. “Smells good. Thanks.”

“My mom got tired of me having the jitters from caffeine, so she got me hooked on essential oils.”

“What a good idea.” I mean, I’m still keeping the coffee—let’s not get crazy—but how kind of Sienna to share this with me.

I never in a million years would’ve guessed we’d become friends like this. I’m not sure I thought we had anything in common when she first moved in. I know I was quick to judge her as ditzy and too new age-y, but the more we hang out, the more I realize how fun and interesting she is. Even the stuff she’s into is pretty cool. I may not go for all of it, but that doesn’t mean I should dismiss her outright because our interests are different. Sometimes I have to remind myself to stay in my own lane.

This last week, she’s been around more. I think she felt bad for me when Ramona leveled me with the news that she’s moving. After Rider left last Sunday, Sienna and I vegged out with a glass of wine and I told her a little about the weirdness with my brother. It made me realize I haven’t had many friends in my life, female or otherwise. And I’d like to change that.

Her phone lights up with a text, and she dives for it, her eyes bright with excitement.

“Are you going to tell me who he is yet?”

“If this turns into something serious.”

I mull that over. “I thought you said it was just sex.”

“It is.” She sighs. “I’ll admit a teeny part of me would like for it to be more, but this guy has hookup-only expectations. Have you ever had casual sex?”

“No. I mean, my last boyfriend—well, my only serious boyfriend—wasn’t that serious. We were monogamous and intimate and everything, but I knew he was probably leaving after graduation, so what was the point in getting in too deep?”

“See, you think you can’t do casual sex, but that’s what you did with your ex. Deep down, you recognized there was no future, so you had fun for now. A committed relationship for people who catch the L-word is great, but what’s wrong with a little companionship in the meanwhile?”

Huh. I never thought of it in those terms. Companionship. I could use that right now.

“I went into it expecting more,” I admit, “wanting the depth, but it didn’t work out the way I thought it would.”

“Who doesn’t want the depth?” She lifts one eyebrow dramatically, and I snort. “Hey, can I ask you a personal question?”

I want to point out that this whole conversation is personal, but I get the feeling Sienna can talk about sex without giving it a second thought.

When I agree, she pulls up something on her phone. “Have you ever had a G-spot orgasm? I’m wondering if this vibrator is worth the cost.” She shows me the image of a hot pink sex toy called the Curvinator.

Squinting, I tilt my head. “Are you sure that isn’t a medieval torture device?”

“Don’t get freaked out by that curve. It’s like when a guy does that two-finger thing. At least, that’s what I’m assuming.”


She must see my confusion because she holds up two fingers and does this come-hither, two-finger stroke that makes me blush. I know lots of girls bond over sex talk, at least every magazine in the checkout aisle of the grocery store seems to suggest that, but I’ve never been close enough to anyone to have these kinds of conversations.

“Please tell me your ex did that to you. Right up against your G-spot. Maybe while he did oral? Oh, my God. That’s the best.” Her eyes roll back in her head as she talks about it, and I’m definitely intrigued.

“I… we…” I cough. “We didn’t do much oral.”

Sean wasn’t into it, either giving or receiving, though I tried a few times out of curiosity, but he said he preferred the main event. I tried not to take it personally, but whenever I hear women talking Copyright 2016 - 2024