The Varsity Dad Dilemma - Lex Martin Page 0,49

girl and stay focused on her and school, and you’ll be all right.”

It’s not until I’m in my car, driving home, that I realize he didn’t mention staying focused on football.

But he must have meant to stay focused on the game too. Right?

My coach lives for football. He must know that I do as well, no matter my new situation.



When I open the front door, I’m surprised to see so many people on my front porch. I’m expecting Rider and Poppy, but not my brother, Tank, Olly, and Trevor—a wall of football muscles—standing behind them. And they’re all loaded down with baby supplies.

“Hey, guys. That’s a lot of stuff.”

Tank points to Rider. “Daddy here thought Poppy needed everything.”

“Does Bree know you call me Daddy?” Rider asks.

We all laugh, and I take Poppy out of Rider’s arms since she’s reaching for me.


I stare at her. “Did you just try to say Gabby?”

She claps. “Ga-ga.”

“Aww, Poppy. I love you.” I hug her close, or as close as I can get with her puffy winter jacket on. It’s in the high fifties, not quite Abominable Snowbaby weather, but I love that Rider thought to keep her warm.

“Poppy Seed!” Tank cries. “How could you say Gabby first? We were working so hard on this last night. You were gonna say Uncle Tanky first, remember?”

Amused, I watch the guys plunk down her stroller, pack-and-play, baby carrier, a car seat, and multiple diaper bags. They’re wearing their lettermen jackets and looking mighty handsome.

“You guys clean up so well!” I take Poppy’s hand, and we wave. “Say bye-bye to your uncles.”

Trevor kisses the top of her head, and she lets out the cutest giggle. Olly pretends to gobble her tummy, and she shrieks in delight. Tank tries to eat her foot, and she’s laughing so hard, her face turns red. And Ben, demonstrative man that he is, gives her a head nod. “Be good, kid.”

Sienna wanders in and tells everyone to have a good game.

Rider stands like a sentinel inside the doorway as the rest of the guys file out. Tank yells, “If we win, you know we’re gonna have to do this exact routine before every away game, right? Can’t mess with good juju.”

Sienna closes the door and gives me a look. “Your brother is really hot.”

“I thought you were dating someone.”

“Doesn’t make me blind.” She waves her hand. “We’re not dating, though. It’s probably just sex.”

The idea of hookups has zero appeal to me. I’m not sure I could keep my emotions out of it, but if Sienna is happy with the arrangement, that’s all that matters.

I glance at Rider, who doesn’t seem like he’s following the conversation.

He frowns at me. “You sure you’re going to be okay?” He motions to the mountain of baby supplies in the corner. “I brought everything I could think of, everything I thought you might need while we’re away.” Pausing, he pulls out his phone, and I use this momentary distraction to study him.

Maybe it’s because he’s headed to a game, but there’s a seriousness about him that’s electrifying. His stubbled jaw is tense, his eyes fierce, but when he glances at his daughter, they glow with affection.

I’ll admit it. Rider Kingston is the sexiest daddy porn I’ve ever seen.

How am I supposed to deal with this? I can handle an arrogant jock, but I have no defenses for the brooding single dad standing before me.

He continues, unaware of my internal struggle. “Let me give you the number to the hotel we’re staying at. And maybe Coach’s phone number. Obviously, only call him if there’s an emergency and you can’t reach me. I’ll leave my phone on, but you never know. Do you think you need a key to my place? I don’t want—”

“Rider.” I put my hand on his arm. “We’ll be fine. Go win your game. We’ll be cheering you on. Right, Poppy? Can you say, ‘Go, Daddy?’”

I bounce her on my hip and smile. Rider’s so earnest about his daughter, I could kiss him.

Before, he was just a player, carefree and living in the fast lane.

In the last week, it’s like a switch flipped in him, some protective father gene got activated, and he’s been laser-focused on Poppy. Not to mention school and football. Honestly, he’s a machine, but I’m happy for him and his daughter.

But he’s been so busy, I barely see him.

Since we cleared the air last Saturday night, I thought we’d hang out again like we used to. I was hoping we’d be Copyright 2016 - 2024