Valkyrie (Kate O'Hearn) - By Kate O'Hearn Page 0,72

the soldiers over as she glided smoothly past.

‘Now!’ Maya shouted.

Both Valkyries let out howls that were so loud, windows shattered around them forcing the soldiers to drop their weapons and clutch their ears as the glass rained down on them.

Without pausing, they opened their wings and launched into the air. Following closely behind Sylt, they were just climbing higher when they were met with a terrifying sight.

Four large, black helicopters were hovering overhead, waiting to catch them. Their blinding searchlights shone directly on to them, lighting them up as a target.

‘Stop!’ boomed a voice from one of the helicopters. ‘Land on the roof right now or we’ll open fire! This is your only warning!’

‘This way!’ Freya shouted as she took the lead. She tilted her black wings and manoeuvered expertly away from the helicopters. She dipped down, close to street level, where they were protected by buildings. With the helicopters unable to follow at that level, they were able to escape into the darkness.

Back at the house, they settled Sylt in the garage. Frightened and furious, Maya charged forward. ‘If that was your idea of fun . . .’

‘No!’ Freya cried. ‘I don’t know who they were.’ She looked over to Archie. ‘We’ve never seen them before, have we?’

‘No, never!’

‘Who were they?’ Maya demanded.

‘I don’t know,’ Archie said. ‘The military maybe? They’ve probably heard the stories about Gee and set a trap to capture her.’

‘Well they very nearly succeeded!’ Maya raged. ‘Do you have any idea what Odin would have done if they caught us? It would have meant war!’ She focused on Freya and raised a threatening finger. ‘As long as I am here, there will be no going back into that city again! Is that understood?’

Freya nodded. ‘Understood.’

Maya stormed out of the garage.

Archie reached for a towel to wipe down Sylt. His hands were still shaking. ‘I was really scared, Gee. I thought they got you.’

Freya smiled weakly and picked up a second towel. ‘So did I.’

When Monday morning arrived Freya tried her best to convince her sister to join them at school.

‘Spend a whole day with human children? No thank you!’ Maya was adamant. ‘After last night I have had more than enough excitement. I’d rather marry a Dark Searcher.’

Freya shot a look at her. Dark Searchers were a subject she’d rather not think about.

‘Sorry,’ Maya said quickly. ‘My words got away from me.’

Archie looked suspiciously between the two. ‘Are you sure there’s not something you want to tell me?’

Freya put on a forced smile. ‘Nope, everything’s fine.’ She waved goodbye to her sister. ‘We’ll be back by four.’

Outside, Archie looked back at his house. ‘Will Mia be OK on her own?’

Freya nodded. ‘Orus taught her how to use the television and remote. He’s told her all about his favourite shows. I’m sure we’ll find she hasn’t moved from the sofa all day.’

Archie was met with loud shouts of greetings from the members of the Geek Squad as they all gathered round to welcome him back to school.

‘Boy, I thought I’d never see you again!’ Leo Max said. ‘We tried to visit you at the hospital, but the battle-axe on the desk wouldn’t let us in.’

‘Yeah,’ Kevin agreed. ‘I tried to sneak past her, but she caught me.’

Freya nodded and laughed. ‘I saw you there. You almost made it.’

‘Where were you?’ Elizabeth asked. ‘I didn’t see you.’

‘Oops!’ Orus cawed in laughter. ‘Busted!’

‘Who, me?’ Freya stammered. ‘I was hiding beside Archie’s bed. The nurse didn’t see me there.’

‘Cool!’ Leo Max said. He caught Archie by the arm. ‘Did you hear? JP got away from Mr Powless right before the police got here. He stole his brother’s truck. That’s what he hit you with.’

‘Yeah,’ Kevin added. ‘He busted up Mr Powless’s lip good and broke his nose. He was away from school for two whole days.’

‘Where is JP?’ Archie asked.

Leo Max shrugged. ‘No one knows. The police are still looking for him but they think he’s run away. His gang has been expelled permanently from school.’

‘Finally!’ Archie cried.

The bell rang and everyone headed towards their classes.

‘Aren’t you coming?’ Archie asked as Freya stood back.

Freya shook her head. ‘I’ll be right there, but I’ve got to see the Principal first. I want to let her know that you’re back and to ask permission for my sister to come to the dance with us.’ She paused and looked sadly at Archie as he went off with Leo Max and Kevin. She couldn’t tell him that she was also going to let Copyright 2016 - 2024