Valkyrie (Kate O'Hearn) - By Kate O'Hearn Page 0,73

her know that this was their last week at the school.


Maya waited by the window and watched the street. She needed to be sure Freya and Archie weren’t coming back. When she was convinced, she picked up the large coat Alma had given to her.

‘What are you planning?’ Grul asked as she pulled it on.

‘I don’t think Freya realizes just how much danger we’re in. Last night will seem like a party compared to what Odin will do if Loki convinces him that I’ve come here. I’ve got an idea, and I just hope it works.’

‘I don’t like that look on your face,’ Grul warned.

Maya smiled at her raven as they walked out the front door. ‘Then you’re especially not going to like what I’ve got planned.’

The air was cold and it felt as if it might snow at any minute.

‘Will you at least tell me where we’re going?’

‘We saw a park not far from here when we first arrived. There are some trees in it. I hope they are dense enough to hide in. I can’t wear my helmet but I need to get back up into the air.’

‘Where are we going?’

Maya grinned. ‘Asgard.’

Maya paused. She had the feeling they were being followed, but hadn’t spotted anyone around her. Using her senses didn’t work – there were too many people in the area.

‘What is it?’ Grul asked.

Maya’s keen eyes searched for movement behind parked cars or in bushes in people’s front yards. But she couldn’t see anything specific.

‘Nothing,’ she muttered. ‘I just have the feeling that we’re being watched.’

‘Do you think it’s Loki?’ Grul asked fearfully.

Maya shook her head. ‘No, he’d come at us straight on, with Odin in tow. What I’m feeling is very Earthbound. I hope it’s not the same people from last night.’ After a moment, she started walking again.

Reaching the park, they made their way over to a dense cluster of trees. ‘Perfect,’ Maya said. She pulled off her wool coat and freed her wings.

Just as she was about to take to the air, she heard movement behind her. Turning sharply, she saw a tall, stocky boy approaching her.

‘Well, well, well,’ he said as he casually came forward. ‘What have we got here? It’s another winged freak living at Daisy’s house.’

Maya sensed a darkness coming from the boy. Hatred so deep and intense, she could almost taste its foulness in her mouth.

‘Who are you?’ she demanded.

‘Don’t you know? I’d have thought that other winged freak would’ve told you all about me. The name’s JP. Who are you?’

‘Not someone you want to know,’ Maya said darkly. ‘Yes, I recognize your name. You tried to kill my sister and Archie.’

‘That black-winged demon is your sister?’

Maya inhaled deeply. ‘I would tread very carefully, human,’ she warned. ‘I care a great deal for my sister. I won’t tolerate you calling her names.’

‘What are you gonna do about it, Valkyrie,’ JP shot back. A cruel, triumphant smile rose to his lips. ‘Yes, I know what you are. That black-winged freak told me, so I looked it up. I know what you do and where you’re from. You kill people. But you can’t kill me; this isn’t a battlefield. Thor wouldn’t like it.’

‘Odin, actually,’ Maya corrected. ‘Thor wouldn’t care who I killed.’ She used her speed and strength to catch JP by the coat before he could move. She hoisted him in the air with one hand and slammed him against a tree. When he fell to the ground, she put her boot on his chest.

‘Did your research also tell you that Valkyries can punish whomever we feel deserves it? And you, boy, deserve it more than anyone I’ve met in a very, very long time. I should break every bone in your body for what you’ve done.’

‘Go ahead!’ JP challenged. ‘Then I’ll tell everyone what you are. They’ll catch you and your sister and lock you up so far away that not even Odin will find you.’

Maya was stunned by his arrogant defiance. The boy was as fearless as he was dangerous. She hauled him to his feet and pressed him against the trunk of the tree. JP struggled in her grip and tried to hit her. But Maya was faster and caught his arm.

‘What happened to you, boy? How could one so young be so angry?’ Her eyes bored into him, searching for answers. ‘No one is born evil. Who hurt you so badly that you have become this monster?’

‘No one touched me, they wouldn’t dare!’ JP shot. Copyright 2016 - 2024