Valkyrie (Kate O'Hearn) - By Kate O'Hearn Page 0,71

and filled with laughter as they all sat together enjoying their meal. At first awkward, Maya soon relaxed and sat beside her sister, telling stories of their life together in Asgard and sharing with them the details of Freya’s First Day Ceremony.

‘I wish I could have been there,’ Archie said wistfully. ‘I would have loved to see it. Asgard sounds amazing.’

‘It is,’ Maya said. ‘But this world has its own kind of magic. I think my sister is only just starting to see that for herself.’

Freya nodded and then looked at Alma. ‘When I came here, I really didn’t like humans.’

‘And now?’

Freya grinned. ‘I really like them.’

Archie tore up a small piece of bread and threw it at her.

‘I like most humans,’ Freya corrected, as she stuck her tongue out at him.

Later that night, they freed Sylt from the garage.

‘Tell me again why we’re doing this?’ Maya asked as she pulled off her coat and freed her wings.

‘Because Sylt needs her exercise,’ Freya said drawing the Reaping Mare into the backyard and helping Archie up on to her back.

‘And Freya likes to play superhero,’ Archie teased.

‘I do not,’ Freya protested. ‘I just like to help people.’

Archie winked at Maya. ‘See what I mean? A superhero complex.’

Taking to the sky, Freya led them into Chicago, to the part of the city that she had taken upon herself to patrol. They landed on an apartment roof and gazed down into the quiet street below.

Like he did whenever they were on patrol, Orus moved to Archie’s shoulder to wait with Sylt while Freya helped people below. Maya ordered Grul to join Orus.

After a few minutes, Orus said hopefully, ‘It looks like nothing is happening tonight. Why don’t we all go home, make some popcorn and watch a movie.’

‘Be patient,’ Freya said. ‘This is much better than a movie.’

‘Says who?’ Orus cawed.

Suddenly a scream filled the air.

‘Here we go,’ Archie said. He turned to Freya. ‘Go get ’em!’

Freya grinned at her sister. ‘Come, it feels wonderful to help people – you’ll see.’ She looked over to Archie. ‘Follow us, but stay up on the rooftops.’

‘Yes, sir!’ Archie said, saluting formally as he drew back on Sylt’s reins.

Freya and Maya leaped off the roof and soared over several buildings. Down below, they saw what looked like a gang of men circling a woman. She was screaming as they advanced upon her.

‘Follow me,’ Freya called back to her sister.

Freya and Maya touched down on the street beside them causing the men to turn round.

Freya drew her sword and charged forward with Maya following closely behind. But almost immediately, Freya knew something was very wrong. There was no fear coming from the woman and no threat towards her from the men. Instead she felt something else. It was excitement mixed with triumph.

‘Gee,’ Maya warned, using Archie’s name for her. ‘I think we should go now.’

The words were barely out of Maya’s mouth when soldiers burst out of doorways behind them and the gang of men surrounding the woman drew weapons.

The woman pulled out her own weapon. ‘Hold it!’ she ordered fiercely. ‘Shut your wings, drop your sword and don’t move a muscle! You’re completely surrounded!’

‘You don’t want to do this,’ Freya warned, sensing danger all around her.

The woman’s eyes moved from Freya to Maya and back to Freya again. ‘This is my lucky night. I set a trap to capture one winged avenger, and here it is, I catch two.’ She pulled out her mobile phone and pressed a button. ‘This is Command One, send in the trucks. These birds are caged!’

Freya and Maya stood back-to-back as the soldiers aimed their weapons at them on both sides. The soldiers meant business. They could feel that they were prepared to shoot.

‘What are you?’ the woman demanded, stepping closer. ‘Where are you from?’

‘Who are you?’ Freya asked.

‘I ask the questions here, not you,’ the woman shot. ‘Now answer me. What are you? Why are you here?’

Maya muttered softly, ‘Get ready to give them your loudest howl and then fly. If they want to know what we are, we’ll show them.’

‘Leave them alone!’

Freya looked up and saw Archie on Sylt. He was shouting as loud as he could while the Reaping Mare shrieked in rage. The two ravens descended from the sky and attacked the men nearest to Freya and Maya.

Sylt tucked in her wings and dove at the large group of men. Just before she struck the ground, the large mare opened her huge wings and bowled most of Copyright 2016 - 2024