Valkyrie (Kate O'Hearn) - By Kate O'Hearn Page 0,70

worry about Archie seeing and asking awkward questions.

When they arrived, the greetings were loud and welcoming. Everyone was shocked and delighted to see just how recovered Archie actually was.

Alma grinned at Freya. ‘Angel, did you have something to do with his sudden recovery?’

She shrugged. ‘What could I do? I’m just a Valkyrie.’ Freya then introduced her sister, using the name Mia.

Alma smiled radiantly at Maya. ‘Aren’t you pretty! Two Valkyries in my home – who’d have ever imagined it?’

Maya returned the smile. ‘It is a pleasure to meet you.’

Tamika was bursting with excitement and could hardly contain herself. ‘We’ve got so much to tell you! We’re moving!’

‘What?’ Freya said.

Tamika nodded excitedly. ‘Curtis and Carol are buying a big house near here and we’re all moving in together. I won’t have to change schools!’

Freya frowned in confusion. ‘But what about this house? You said you didn’t want to leave it. We were fighting the developers to keep them away.’

Alma explained. ‘Carol has got the police on to them. They have finally opened up an investigation into their actions. They won’t get away with what they’ve done. But this place? It’s just an old, rundown house. We were fighting to protect our home. We still have that. And thanks to you, our family has grown.’

‘I – I don’t understand,’ Freya said.

‘Come into the kitchen and help me finish making dinner.’

Away from Tamika, Freya watched the old woman struggle to sit down. Instantly at her side, Freya helped her into a chair. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘The doctor says I am weakening. Who knows how much time I have left?’ Alma explained. Freya felt the oddest sensation clutching her heart. It was something she’d only experienced once before – when she’d heard the angel saying Archie’s time had come. She realized that she was feeling grief. Though she had only known Alma for a few weeks, the thought of losing her was painful.

‘Isn’t there anything they can do?’

The old woman shook her head tiredly. ‘They’ve done all they can. It’s my time, child. It’s natural and I won’t fight it. You once told me there wasn’t an Angel of Death standing at my side. You may not see him now, but he’s there all right.’

Freya heard Tamika’s laughter from the front room. ‘Does she know?’

Alma shook her head. ‘Not yet. She’s so excited for the dance, I couldn’t tell her.’

Freya dropped her head and walked over to the sink. She peered out the kitchen window at the burned-out wreck of the house next door. ‘I’ve failed,’ she said softly. ‘I promised your son I would take care of his family and I have failed.’

‘What?’ Alma cried. ‘Child, I bless the day you came to us. You have done everything you promised Tyrone and so much more.’

‘But I didn’t save this house – you are leaving it. The girls will be left alone without you.’

The old woman struggled to rise and approached Freya. She put her hand lightly on her arm. ‘You listen to me. I was going to die whether you came here or not. But now, thanks to you, I can rest knowing my girls are safe. Curtis, Carol and I have been talking and we’ve made all the arrangements. They will be adopting the girls when I am gone. With the money you gave them from your jewels, Tamika and Uniik will have everything they need to live good lives.’

‘But—’ Freya said.

‘No buts. You’ve fulfilled your promise to my son. Maybe not the way you intended, but you have. I know you are a Valkyrie and I know what you must do in your life. But here and now, you have saved all of us. Tamika has friends she never had before. She and her sister will grow up with parents who adore them. What more could you possibly give them?’

‘You,’ Freya said softly, as she peered into the old woman’s fading eyes. ‘I should be able to give them you.’

Alma smiled gently. ‘I don’t think even you could do that. It is my time. I am ready.’ She reached for her cooking pot. ‘Now, why don’t you spend some time with Tamika and Archie, and leave me to finish dinner?’

‘But I want to help,’ Freya argued.

‘You can help by staying out of my way.’ As she shooed Freya out of the kitchen the old woman laughed. ‘And tell your sister I want to take her measurements later. By the looks of things, I have another dress to make for the dance.’

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