Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,67

it was to be on the inside, trying to sort everything out. She just wished everyone would stop telling her what she needed to do and let her sort it out in her own way in her own time.

Cole hadn’t finished though. “It’s been five years, babe. That’s five years too long for you to be putting up with his shit. You know I would step into the breach for you at any time but Jesus, that beating he gave me was savage. I am struggling to deal with the fact that he lets loose on you like that too.”

Frustrated, Elise laid a pacifying hand on Cole’s arm. “Please, baby,” she pleaded, “please just let it go for now. I’ve got this, I promise you. I know what I’m doing.”

Vaughn chose that exact moment to return to the table and glared at the contact she and Cole shared across the table. Well, tough shit, Vaughn Granger – he’s my best friend and I need him so you can just back right off.

As much as she would have loved to, she didn’t actually say that. Instead she removed her hand and excused herself to go and fill her own plate – leaving the charged macho atmosphere behind. Bloody men!

After her tense conversations with both men the mood lightened considerably and Elise found herself able to eat more than she ever thought possible. Now and again, Elise noticed Cole glancing wistfully at Vaughn but she made no comment and brushed the thought away. That was something for Cole to sort out another day; she only hoped that he managed to come to terms with whatever life held for him so that he could go on to be happy and fulfilled.

When they had finished their meal, Vaughn went off to pay the bill. Both Cole and Elise stood, waiting for him to return. Left alone, she tried again to talk to him again - she really needed him to know that she was there for him one hundred percent, whenever, wherever.

“Baby,” she said and sighed at his beauty as he turned his full attention to her “Please let me help you sort through things. I want to help you like you always help me. Let’s try and spend some quality time together over the next few weeks. I’ll think of something to get out for a while. Please – it’s really important to me.”

Cole sighed and hugged her close to him, “Oh, Elise, you are the most precious person in the world to me but you have no room in your life for my issues. Sort yourself out first. Then we can talk about me. I’m not going anywhere and I’m not about to do anything stupid – I promise you. I love you, babe.”

“I love you too, baby.” she said and buried her head into his neck, seeking warmth and comfort in his familiar fragrance.

A loud coughing sound came from behind her and she knew who she would see as soon as she turned.

“Sorry to break up the love-fest but I’ve paid the bill and we need to get back to the office.” Vaughn said abruptly and began marching out of the door.

Cole and Elise followed, Cole wearing a slightly bemused expression as if he couldn’t understand the sudden change in Vaughn’s demeanour. Elise kept her head down and concentrated on getting back to the office in time for Stephen to go to lunch – she had completely forgotten that he was waiting for her to get back and a quick look at her watch told her that she was already ten minutes late; No doubt he was spitting nails right now!

As they entered Reception, Elise turned to go back through the ground floor door to her desk but was stopped by Vaughn who put a light hand on her arm.

“Andrews,” he said addressing Cole “would you mind if we re-convened in ten? I just need to go through something with Elise regarding the Swindon conference on Friday.”

What Swindon conference on Friday?

“Yeah, no worries,” said Cole, “I need to check my e-mails anyway.” He headed off to his office leaving her and Vaughn alone in Reception with only the eagle eyes of Annabel for company.

“Miss Grayson,” he addressed her formally again, no doubt in deference to Annabel’s presence, “Could you spare me a couple of minutes in my office, please?”

Caught between a rock and hard place, Elise had no option but to accept and followed him out of reception and up the Copyright 2016 - 2024