Twelve Days The Beginning - By Jade Reyner Page 0,68

staircase to the first floor. This was now the third time she had climbed these stairs in as many days; if she carried on like this, she was fairly sure she would be able to do it with her eyes closed.

As they entered Vaughn’s office, he immediately closed the door and ensured that the blinds were still drawn. He then locked his gaze onto hers, anger simmering in the depths of his beautiful eyes.

“What precisely is the nature of your relationship with Andrews?” he demanded. “I need you to tell me now.”

“Who are you? My keeper?” she asked sarcastically. “What the hell business is it of yours what my relationship with Cole is?”

“It is my business because I am your boss.” He spat out, “Now just answer the goddamn question!”

He was getting angry but so was she. She and Cole had been friends for years, long before this man had even heard of Andrews & Andrews, and she was damn sure she wasn’t going to be dictated to by him. She had that at home; she didn’t need it here as well.

“No!” she said angrily, “I will not answer the question – it is none of your goddamned business!”

“Be careful, Elise” he warned, “I am a patient man, but you are pushing me to the limit. I need to know the nature of your relationship – either you tell me now or I will haul Cole’s ass up here and serve him with a disciplinary for conducting an inappropriate workplace relationship!”

“You bastard...” she hissed, “an ‘inappropriate workplace relationship’? What the hell was that between us on Saturday night then? Or did you get that sanctioned beforehand? Your twisted morals are way off base and not appreciated around here. I will not be dictated to at work, by you or anybody. And for your information, I do not respond to threats. I think you’ll find five years of domestic abuse has taken care of that!”

And after pouring all of her pent up anger and frustration into that parting shot, she stormed out of his office and slammed the door – hard.

Chapter Eighteen

As predicted, Stephen was waiting for her to get back from lunch but he actually didn’t seem particularly angry – great that someone in her life wasn’t for a change.

“Hey,” he said as she approached her desk, “Celeste is looking for you.”

Oh shit. She’d totally forgotten that she’d not spoken to Celeste since disappearing from the club on Saturday night. Some friend she was.

“Thanks Stephen, I’ll catch her later. I’m back from lunch now so you can go if you want to.” she said and watched as he sauntered out of the office with a jaunty wave. He always seemed so carefree and she wondered what that must feel like.

Firing up her computer, she wasn’t surprised to find an e-mail from Vaughn although she was surprised at the content of it.

Mon Dec 17th. 1.20pm


Please find attached details for the conference in Swindon on Friday. As this is the last one before we close over the Christmas period, I would appreciate it if you could be on top of your game. I really want to secure one more client before the year is out.

Due to the location of this conference, I am offering all staff attending the chance to arrive on Thursday evening and stay in a hotel overnight – at company expense of course.

You and I however, will be travelling to Swindon together on Thursday morning, returning late Friday evening.

Whilst I may not have any say in your personal life, I think you will find that I do rule your professional life and if I consider it necessary for you to accompany me, then I think you will find this well and truly covered by the terms of your contract.

Yours, as always, Vaughn.

Clicking open the attachment, she noted the details of the conference and saw that it was a large one; probably the largest that she had attended and, although a little scary, it was also tremendously exciting. It seemed that they would have a booth outside the entrance so would be able to chat to executives coming and going making it a prime spot. Vaughn had detailed the advertising information that they would be taking and had also indicated who would be attending. Usually there were four of them for each conference but due to the size of this one there would be six. Vaughn and herself plus Celeste; Tilly and Sam from one of the other teams who Copyright 2016 - 2024